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Sejarah - Pemerintah Kabupaten Subang

Bukti adanya kelompok masyarakat pada masa prasejarah di wilayah Kabupaten Subang adalah ditemukannya kapak batu di daerah Bojongkeding (Binong), Pagaden, Kalijati dan Dayeuhkolot (Sagalaherang). Temuan benda-benda prasejarah bercorak neolitikum ini menandakan bahwa saat itu di wilayah Kabupaten Subang sekarang sudah ada kelompok masyarakat yang hidup dari sektor pertanian dengan pola sangat sederhana.
Selain itu, dalam periode prasejarah juga berkembang pula pola kebudayaan perunggu yang ditandai dengan penemuan situs di Kampung Engkel, Sagalaherang.


Pada saat berkembangnya corak kebudayaan Hindu, wilayah Kabupaten Subang menjadi bagian dari 3 kerajaan, yakni Tarumanagara, Galuh, dan Pajajaran. Selama berkuasanya 3 kerajaan tersebut, dari wilayah Kabupaten Subang diperkirakan sudah ada kontak-kontek dengan beberapa kerajaan maritim hingga di luar kawasan Nusantara. Peninggalan berupa pecahan-pecahan keramik asal Cina di Patenggeng (Kalijati) membuktikan bahwa selama abad ke-7 hingga abad ke-15 sudah terjalin kontak perdagangan dengan wilayah yang jauh. Sumber lain menyebutkan bahwa pada masa tersebut, wilayah Subang berada di bawah kekuasaan Kerajaan Sunda. Kesaksian Tome’ Pires seorang Portugis yang mengadakan perjalanan keliling Nusantara menyebutkan bahwa saat menelusuri pantai utara Jawa, kawasan sebelah timur Sungai Cimanuk hingga Banten adalah wilayah kerajaan Sunda.

Masa datangnya pengaruh kebudayaan Islam di wilayah Subang tidak terlepas dari peran seorang tokoh ulama, Wangsa Goparana yang berasal dari Talaga, Majalengka. Sekitar tahun 1530, Wangsa Goparana membuka permukiman baru di Sagalaherang dan menyebarkan agama Islam ke berbagai pelosok Subang.


Pasca runtuhnya kerajaan Pajajaran, wilayah Subang seperti halnya wilayah lain di P. Jawa, menjadi rebutan berbagai kekuatan. Tercatat kerajaan Banten, Mataram, Sumedanglarang, VOC, Inggris, dan Kerajaan Belanda berupaya menanamkan pengaruh di daerah yang cocok untuk dijadikan kawasan perkebunan serta strategis untuk menjangkau Batavia. Pada saat konflik Mataram-VOC, wilayah Kabupaten Subang, terutama di kawasan utara, dijadikan jalur logistik bagi pasukan Sultan Agung yang akan menyerang Batavia. Saat itulah terjadi percampuran budaya antara Jawa dengan Sunda, karena banyak tentara Sultan Agung yang urung kembali ke Mataram dan menetap di wilayah Subang. Tahun 1771, saat berada di bawah kekuasaan Kerajaan Sumedanglarang, di Subang, tepatnya di Pagaden, Pamanukan, dan Ciasem tercatat seorang bupati yang memerintah secara turun-temurun. Saat pemerintahan Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles (1811-1816) konsesi penguasaan lahan wilayah Subang diberikan kepada swasta Eropa. Tahun 1812 tercatat sebagai awal kepemilikan lahan oleh tuan-tuan tanah yang selanjutnya membentuk perusahaan perkebunan Pamanoekan en Tjiasemlanden (P & T Lands). Penguasaan lahan yang luas ini bertahan sekalipun kekuasaan sudah beralih ke tangan pemerintah Kerajaan Belanda. Lahan yang dikuasai penguasa perkebunan saat itu mencapai 212.900 ha. dengan hak eigendom. Untuk melaksanakan pemerintahan di daerah ini, pemerintah Belanda membentuk distrik-distrik yang membawahi onderdistrik. Saat itu, wilayah Subang berada di bawah pimpinan seorang kontrilor BB (bienenlandsch bestuur) yang berkedudukan di Subang.


Tidak banyak catatan sejarah pergerakan pada awal abad ke-20 di Kabupaten Subang. Namun demikian, Setelah Kongres Sarekat Islam di bandung tahun 1916 di Subang berdiri cabang organisasi Sarekat Islam di Desa Pringkasap (Pabuaran) dan di Sukamandi (Ciasem). Selanjutnya, pada tahun 1928 berdiri Paguyuban Pasundan yang diketuai Darmodiharjo (karyawan kantor pos), dengan sekretarisnya Odeng Jayawisastra (karyawan P & T Lands). Tahun 1930, Odeng Jayawisastra dan rekan-rekannya mengadakan pemogokan di percetakan P & T Lands yang mengakibatkan aktivitas percetakan tersebut lumpuh untuk beberapa saat. Akibatnya Odeng Jayawisastra dipecat sebagai karyawan P & T Lands. Selanjutnya Odeng Jayawisastra dan Tohari mendirikan cabang Partai Nasional Indonesia yang berkedudukan di Subang. Sementara itu, Darmodiharjo tahun 1935 mendirikan cabang Nahdlatul Ulama yang diikuti oleh cabang Parindra dan Partindo di Subang. Saat Gabungan Politik Indonesia (GAPI) di Jakarta menuntut Indonesia berparlemen, di Bioskop Sukamandi digelar rapat akbar GAPI Cabang Subang untuk mengenukakan tuntutan serupa dengan GAPI Pusat.


Pendaratan tentara angkatan laut Jepang di pantai Eretan Timur tanggal 1 Maret 1942 berlanjut dengan direbutnya pangkalan udara Kalijati. Direbutnya pangkalan ini menjadi catatan tersendiri bagi sejarah pemerintahan Hindia Belanda, karena tak lama kemudian terjadi kapitulasi dari tentara Hindia Belanda kepada tentara Jepang. Dengan demikian, Hindia Belanda di Nusantara serta merta jatuh ke tangan tentara pendudukan Jepang. Para pejuang pada masa pendudukan Belanda melanjutkan perjuangan melalui gerakan bawah tanah. Pada masa pendudukan Jepang ini Sukandi (guru Landschbouw), R. Kartawiguna, dan Sasmita ditangkap dan dibunuh tentara Jepang.


Proklamasi Kemerdekaan RI di Jakarta berimbas pada didirikannya berbagai badan perjuangan di Subang, antara lain Badan Keamanan Rakyat (BKR), API, Pesindo, Lasykar Uruh, dan lain-lain, banyak di antara anggota badan perjuangan ini yang kemudian menjadi anggota TNI. Saat tentara KNIL kembali menduduki Bandung, para pejuang di Subang menghadapinya melalui dua front, yakni front selatan (Lembang) dan front barat (Gunung Putri dan Bekasi). Tahun 1946, Karesidenan Jakarta berkedudukan di Subang. Pemilihan wilayah ini tentunya didasarkan atas pertimbangan strategi perjuangan. Residen pertama adalah Sewaka yang kemudian menjadi Gubernur Jawa Barat. Kemudian Kusnaeni menggantikannya. Bulan Desember 1946 diangkat Kosasih Purwanegara, tanpa pencabutan Kusnaeni dari jabatannya. Tak lama kemudian diangkat pula Mukmin sebagai wakil residen. Pada masa gerilya selama Agresi Militer Belanda I, residen tak pernah jauh meninggalkan Subang, sesuai dengan garis komando pusat. Bersama para pejuang, saat itu residen bermukim di daerah Songgom, Surian, dan Cimenteng. Tanggal 26 Oktober 1947 Residen Kosasih Purwanagara meninggalkan Subang dan pejabat Residen Mukmin yang meninggalkan Purwakarta tanggal 6 Februari 1948 tidak pernah mengirim berita ke wilayah perjuangannya. Hal ini mendorong diadakannya rapat pada tanggal 5 April 1948 di Cimanggu, Desa Cimenteng. Di bawah pimpinan Karlan, rapat memutuskan : 1.Wakil Residen Mukmin ditunjuk menjadi Residen yang berkedudukan di daerah gerilya Purwakarta. 2.Wilayah Karawang Timur menjadi Kabupaten Karawang Timur dengan bupati pertamanya Danta Gandawikarma. 3.Wilayah Karawang Barat menjadi Kabupaten Karawang Barat dengan bupati pertamanya Syafei. Wilayah Kabupaten Karawang Timur adalah wilayah Kabupaten Subang dan Kabupaten Purwakarta sekarang. Saat itu, kedua wilayah tersebut bernama Kabupaten Purwakarta dengan ibukotanya Subang. Penetapan nama Kabupaten Karawang Timur pada tanggal 5 April 1948 dijadikan momentum untuk kelahiran Kabupaten Subang yang kemudian ditetapkan melalui Keputusan DPRD No. : 01/SK/DPRD/1977.
kumpulan bupati subang

Sumber :


Free Download Samsung PC Studio for windows 7, windows xp and vista

– Samsung PC Studio is a computer program to organize and use the contents inside your PC and samsung mobile phone better! The new Samsung PC Studio allows users to not only manage the music files, images and videos on their computer better, but also to manage important personal information (PIM) such as the address book, messages and schedules in their Samsung mobile phones. We earlier told you about Samsung Kies for windows and Samsung Kies for Mac to sync your Samsung android smartphones. For developers, we also told how they could download android SDK, install it and start developing android apps.
The Samsung New PC Studio (NPS) provides you with convenient access to any of your Samsung mobile phone and manage data via easy backup and sync tools, while enjoying cool and powerful multimedia features.

Samsung New PC Studio – Features

The following are some useful features in the new Samsung PC Studio.
  • PIMs Management – Manage or backup phone book, schedules and messages on a mobile phone. It also lets you synchronize personal data with MS Outlook.
  • Multimedia Management – Manage, edit and play contents such as music, photos, and video files.
  • Firmware Upgrade – Get informed of any new firmware and upgrade your Samsung mobile phone to the latest firmware.

How to connect PC Studio to Samsung Mobile phone?

After downloading and installing Samsung PC Studio, the first step in using it is to Connect the mobile phone and the PC using the data cable. Then, select the PC Studio (PC Manager) connection mode on your mobile phone.
When the mobile phone is connected to the computer via USB or Bluetooth, the connected phone is shown as an icon. You may then run the Mobile Phone Explorer which will show the files in your PC. Simply, drag & drop files in the Explorer bar, to transfer them to the web or the connected mobile phone. You can then check the files in the mobile phone.
PC Studio program consists of a collection of useful widgets.To configure widgets that provide the various functions of the New Samsung PC studio, run “widget setting” by clicking on it (icon). then, select any widget to be added or deleted and click OK to reconfigure the widget dock.

Using PC Studio Easy Start to transfer data from phone to PC

Using the new PC Studio Easy Start, you can easily save the mobile phone data to your PC. You can easily import photos and videos from you mobile phone to the PC and also sync the phone book.
Easy Start is automatically run when the mobile phone is connected to Samsung New PC Studio. If needed, click the connected mobile phone’s icon to run “Easy Start”.

Manage and synchronize Phone book

By clicking the Phone book icon at the bottom, you can easily manage the Phone book in your mobile phone by retrieving the data to the PC and also sending back the PC data to the mobile Phone. It is also easy to synchronize the mobile phone with the PC Phone book, using the “Phone book” widget.

Manage Photos and videos using Samsung PC Studio Media Manager

To start managing your media files, click the “Media Manager” icon at the bottom of the Stage screen.Using PC Studio media manager, you can centrally manage music, photo and video files in a PC and easily send them to your Samsung mobile phone.
You can also use PC Studio to send multimedia files like photos, videos and music to Flickr, Facebook or Youtube, using the “My Computer” Explorer or the Mobile Phone Explorer.
You can check out these best free online storage solutions to back up your photos and videos.
You can also conveniently drag and drop files managed by Media Manager, to send them to any media website supported by the New PC studio.
Click “To Web” to use the web service by logging to Web posting settings. If you do not have an account with that website, click “Membership Enrollment” and create an account by following the enrollment guidance on the site (Flickr, Facebook or Youtube).
Select the files to be sent from “My Computer Explorer”, drag and drop them over “To Web” icon, to transfer to Flickr, Facebook or Youtube.
There are also widgets (tools) to easily upgrade your mobile phone firmware (“Upgrade Mobile Phone” widget) and to synchronize data between your smartphone and MS Outlook (“Outlook Sync” widget).

Download Samsung PC Studio

You can download Samsung PC Studio here and install it on your computer. Your PC should run Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP(SP2) or Windows 2000(SP4) to install this free software. Further, your computer should have Pentium 600 MHz or higher, and at-least 512 MB RAM and 200MB free hard disk space. You also need to run Microsoft DirectX 9.0 or higher. (You can either download Directx 11 or Directx 10 for windows 7, vista or XP.)
Download and double click the executable file to install and enjoy the Samsung New PC Studio!

Windows USB Boot disk for XP, 7 and Vista (Free Full)

Here is yet another tool to make a Windows USB installer from any windows DVD or CD or even a windows ISO.This freeware is called WinToFlash and it does make the job of moving the windows installation setup to a flash drive easier.
WinToFlash is a portable tool i.e. it needs no installation on your PC and you can carry it in any removable media and use it on any other PC. WinToFlash can be used to create windows USB boot drive for windows 7, windows XP, Vista, windows 2003 and more. It can also be used transfer pre-installed Environments (PE’s) to a flash drive. It is a small and simple application and you will see here how easy it is to create a windows USB installer using this tool. All you need a 4GB flash drive. Before using the flash drive, ensure that its content is backed up.

How to make windows USB Boot disk for XP, 7 and Vista?

  • Free download wintoflash from here and extract the contents to a folder on your PC
  • Insert the Windows installer DVD into DVD drive (optical drive) and plug in a 4GB flash drive into your PC’s USB slot
  • Find and run WinToFlash.exe from the folder in which you extracted the downloaded software.Read and accept the “End user license agreement”.
  • Go to the “Advanced Mode” tab on the WinToFlash main screen and choose the windows setup you want to transfer to the flash drive as a bootable USB installer and click “Run”. In this tutorial we demonstrate how to transfer a pre-installed windows xp environment to an USB drive, as we covered a tutorial on windows 7 USB installer creation with another tool earlier.However, note that this tool can be used for most windows versions
  • Next, go to the Welcome tab of wintoflash, click on the Window Setup Transfer Wizard and follow the instructions of the wizard. Note that you can even click Run from the “Advanced mode” tab
  • Select the folder where you have the windows setup against the “windows(PE) files path” and the “USB Drive“. Click Next
  • Accept the windows license agreements and continue to follow the instructions on the wizard.
  • You will be shown a message warning you that the tool will format your pen drive and all data on it may be lost.If you already have the content backed up, click Ok to trigger the Windows USB installer creation process. Ihis will take some time and after completion you will be shown the Done message
windows USB Boot disk for XP, 7 and Vista
Link Download Freeware Full-

BlackBerry Messenger Colektion (Free Full)

BBM™ 7.0 now gives you the freedom to chat with your friends the way you want. Seamlessly switch from a BBM conversation to a BBM Voice chat and talk to your friends, virtually wherever they are in the world, for free1 over Wi-Fi.  Stay in touch like never before with BlackBerry® Messenger. New on the latest version of BBM: • 16 New Emoticons – BlackBerry gives you even more ways to express your feelings and share your mood. • BlackBerry ID Integration – Simplifies OS and device upgrades.  Device switches are as simple as entering your BlackBerry ID when you first open BBM, and your BBM profile, contacts, and groups are instantly available on your new device. • BBM Voice – Talk or text, the choice is yours.  BBM Voice connects you to friends in an instant, directly from a BBM chat screen. (BBM Voice might not be supported in all regions or device versions. Visit our BBM support page below for more details.)   *PLEASE READ* 1. Both users require BlackBerry OS 6 or higher, data plan and Wi-Fi connection for BBM Voice chat. Please check with your service provider for availability and restrictions. 2.  Before downloading, please back up your contact list by displaying the menu within BlackBerry Messenger - Options - Back Up. (Available for users of BBM 5.0 and above.) 3.  Please ensure that you are using RIM or carrier approved BlackBerry® Device Software to avoid compatibility issues that may result in loss of the BBM icon. 4.  After installing the new version of BBM, restart your device. For technical support with BlackBerry Messenger (BBM), visit For billing issues and technical support options related to App World only, please visit
Link Download on File

  • Required Device Software
  • Operating System: 4.5.0 or higher


Tiny Windows Borders for Windows 8 v2.5( Free Full)

Tiny Windows Borders for Windows 8 v2.5

Tiny Windows Borders for Windows 8 v2.5 | 3.12 Mb
There are many people who do not happy with large (4px) windows borders in Windows 8 RTM(RP,CP and so on). As you may know, Microsoft has removed the classic appearence feature from Windows 8 and you not able to reduce windows borders anymore without hacks.

Tiny Windows Borders is the little tool to help you with size of windows borders.
Move the slider to left if you want to disable huge windows borders in Windows 8, or set any border size from 1 to 10px as you like.

Change log v2.5
Bug fixed: windows does not redraw itself properly
Live preview is removed to improve the speed

Link Download on file


ExtremeCopy 2.3.1 Pro (x86/x64) Free Full

ExtremeCopy 2.3.1 Pro (x86/x64) Multilingual

ExtremeCopy 2.3.1 Pro (x86/x64) 
Multilingual 4/5 mb

ExtremeCopy is a Windows copy file tool which copy file and move extremely fast and operation is simple the same as Windows Explorer default file copier,it can increase 20% ~ 120% speed for copy file faster than Windows's default file copier. It includs some powerful features such as pause copy file process,error recovery,data verification and so on but as easy as Windows default does.

Here are some key features of "ExtremeCopy Pro":
- Faster. ExtremeCopy copy and move files extreme fast, it will auto optimize speed and resource base on structure of physical machine, especially copy big files, it can reach to 8 times of Windows copying function.
- Controlable. You can pause/resume copy process when you need.
- Simply. The operation of copy/move files as simple as Windows default copying, you no need do anything once you installed ExtremeCopy which will replace Windows copying function as default, or change this default setting when you need. User Interface looks simple and friendly.
- Multiple Languages. Support multiple country languages of file name in order to keep original language text of file name

Size: 4.7 Mb // 5.6 Mb
OS: XP / 2003 / Vista 32bit / Vista 64bit / Windows 7 / Windows 8
Home Page:
Link Download
on File

Apps For Blackberry All OS Colektion ( Free Full )

BlackBerry Browser Open Source Components 6.0

The BlackBerry® Browser contains portions of the WebKit Open Source Project (including portions from the KDE project) and JavaScriptCore Project (including portions from the KJS project).
WebKit, WebCore and JavaScriptCore contain software components licensed under the BSD license and software components licensed under the GNU Library General Public License (LGPL) versions 2.0 and 2.1. Please refer to the individual software component files to determine the license that applies to that particular component.

Open source components



USB Guardian 2.5 DC 28.01.2013 + Portable (Free Full)

USB Guardian 2.5 DC 28.01.2013 + Portable
USB Guardian 2.5 DC 28.01.2013 + Portable | 1.14/1.47 Mb
USB Guardian is an application that helps you prevent your computer from getting infected with viruses an worms like Conficker (aka Downandup, Downadup and Kido!). The software allows you to safely enjoy file sharing using just an USB thumb drive for copying the files . Movies, mp3s, documents and pictures can be copied from one computer to another without worrying of getting infected with worms and viruses trough USB drive.

The interface is very clean and well organized so that one can access all functions with minimum effort. You can find more details about how USB Guardian protects your PC against worms and viruses on this page. It is possible to give a USB flash drive / USB memory stick a behaviour that is very similar to autostarting CD's and DVD's.

This poses a huge security risk because you can, unintenionally run malicious software such as worms an viruses. This is where USB Guardian comes into rescue. The application is constantly scanning the USB port for a new removable storage device and this has led to a very small resource consumption when idle (which makes up to 99.5% from it's time).

USB Guardian is able to identify which USB flash drive is inserted and it detects potentially dangerous files on the drive. In order to reduce the risk, first step is always to minimize and control the damages and this means isolating autorun.inf file from the removable dievice and blocking acces to it. In this state, USB Guardian considers the USB resource as locked.
Next step is to determine which additional files might pose a threat for your system and to lock them as well. This is accomplished by parsing the file and extracting all references to executable files which might run upon inserting the USB drive.
Link DownLoad
USB Guardian 2.5 DC 28.01.2013

USB Guardian 2.5 DC 28.01.2013 Portable


Ratusan Tengkorak Sisa Ritual Kurban Manusia Ditemukan

Christopher Morehart, arkeolog dari Georgia State University bersama timnya, menemukan ratusan tengkorak di wilayah Meksiko. Diduga, tengkorak-tengkorak itu adalah peninggalan dari ritual kurban manusia di masa lalu.

Tengkorak-tengkorak itu ditemukan saat tim melakukan penelitian di saluran irigasi dan danau di daerah yang dulu menjadi wilayah Kerajaan Teotihuacan, 50 km dari Mexico City. Kerajaan tersebut diperkirakan berjaya tahun 200-650. Pendirinya masih misterius.

Tengkorak itu ditemukan di sebuah wilayah bekas lahan pertanian yang kini menjadi danau kering, Danau Xaltocan. Tengkorak yang ditemukan hanya memiliki satu hingga dua tulang belakang. Hingga kini, ada 150 tengkorak yang ditemukan.

Analisis karbon menunjukkan, tengkorak-tengkorak itu berasal dari masa 1.100 tahun yang lalu. Selain tengkorak, Morehart dan timnya juga menemukan alat pembakar dupa, figur dewa air, dan gerabah pertanian.

Destiny Crider, arkeolog dari Luther College di Iowa yang tak terlibat riset, mengatakan, penemuan ini mengejutkan. Biasanya, kurban manusia ditemukan di piramida besar di tengah kota, sedangkan tengkorak itu ditemukan luar piramida. "Ini peristiwa besar di tempat kecil," kata Crider.

Sebagian besar tengkorak yang ditemukan adalah milik laki-laki. Menurut Crider, hal itu menunjukkan bahwa individu yang dikurbankan terpilih, memperkuat dugaan bahwa praktik pemenggalan kepala adalah bagian dari ritual, bukan kekejaman belaka.

Banyak peneliti menduga, jatuhnya Kerajaan Teotihuacan adalah karena kekeringan dan munculnya kerajaan-kerajaan kecil yang semakin kuat. Diberitakan Livescience, Sabtu (26/1/2013), kondisi itulah yang mungkin memicu makin intensifnya ritual kurban manusia.

NetworkTrafficView 1.35

Size: 73KB
Publisher: Visit Website
OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7
NetworkTrafficView is a network monitoring tool that captures the packets that pass through your network adapter, and displays general statistics about your network traffic.
The packets statistics is grouped by the Ethernet Type, IP Protocol, Source/Destination Addresses, and Source/Destination ports.
For every statistics line, the following information is displayed: Ethernet Type (IPv4, IPv6, ARP), IP Protocol (TCP, UDP, ICMP), Source Address, Destination Address, Source Port, Destination Port, Service Name (http, ftp, and so on), Packets Count, Total Packets Size, Total Data Size, Data Speed, Maximum Data Speed, Average Packet Size, First/Last Packet Time, Duration, and process ID/Name (For TCP connections).
System Requirements
  • This utility works on any version of Windows, starting from Windows 2000 and up to Windows 7, including 64-bit systems.
  • One of the following capture drivers is required to use NetworkTrafficView:
    • WinPcap Capture Driver: WinPcap is an open source capture driver that allows you to capture network packets on any version of Windows. You can download and install the WinPcap driver from this Web page.
    • Microsoft Network Monitor Driver version 2.x (Only for Windows 2000/XP/2003): Microsoft provides a free capture driver under Windows 2000/XP/2003 that can be used by NetworkTrafficView, but this driver is not installed by default, and you have to manually install it, by using one of the following options:
    • Microsoft Network Monitor Driver version 3.x: Microsoft provides a new version of Microsoft Network Monitor driver (3.x) that is also supported under Windows 7/Vista/2008.
    • The new version of Microsoft Network Monitor (3.x) is available to download from Microsoft Web site.
  • You can also try to use NetworkTrafficView without installing any driver, by using the ´Raw Sackets´ method. Unfortunately, Raw Sackets method has many problems:
    • It doesn´t work in all Windows systems, depending on Windows version, service pack, and the updates installed on your system. On some systems, Raw Sackets works only partially and captures only the incoming packets. On some other systems, it doesn´t work at all.
    • On systems that ´Raw Sackets´ method works properly, it can only capture IPv4 TCP/UDP packets. It cannot capture other type of packets, like the other capture drivers.
    • On Windows 7 with UAC turned on, ´Raw Sackets´ method only works when you run NetworkTrafficView with ´Run As Administrator´.
What’s New in version 1.35:
  • Added option to choose the displayed speed unit: kB/Sec, KiB/Sec, MB/Sec, MiB/Sec, or Mbps.
Link Download :1, NetworkTrafficView 1.35
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