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Showing posts with label Traces of History. Show all posts

34 Tempat Wisata Dan Wisata Ziarah di Cianjur Jawa Barat

Tempat Wisata di Cianjur – Bicara soal Kota Cianjur, tentu saja salah satu hal yang bisa dibicarakan dari kota ini adalah tempat wisatanya. Ya, di kota yang termasuk dalam administrasi Jawa Barat ini memang cukup banyak sajikan tempat wisata Cianjur yang sangat menarik. Jadi, bagi anda yang berkunjung ke Cianjur, berikut ada daftar tempat yang bisa anda kunjungi.

Wisata Ziarah Cikundul

Wisata Tirta Jangari
Terletak di Desa Bobojong, Kecamatan Mande, wisata Tirta Jangari ini merupakan genangan Waduk Cirata. Dari pusat Kota Cianjur sendiri, wisata ini berjarak 18 km. Bagi anda yang tertarik datang ke Wisata Tirta Jangari yang satu ini, anda tidak perlu khawatir sebab anda bisa menempuhnya dengan gunakan kendaraan umum maupun pribadi.

Pantai Jayanti

Pelabuhan Pantai Jayanti, Cianjur – by instagram @maya06rmTempat wisata di Cianjur pertama yang di bisa dikunjungi adalah Pantai Jayanti. Lokasinya sendiri berada di Kecamatan Cidaun yaitu 140 km dari pusat kota. Keindahan pantai yang termasuk masih sangat alami ini tentu saja akan membuat liburan anda makin menyenangkan.Kebun Raya Cibodas


Kemudian, selain tempat wisata Cipanas Cianjur, ada juga Kebun Raya Cibodas yang bisa anda kunjungi bersama dengan keluarga. Pemandangan alam khas dearah pegunungan yang ditawarkan yang dipadu dnegan suasana yang dingin membuat anda bisa memilih tempat ini sebagai destinasi yang tepat.Istana Presiden di Cipanas

by instagram @samsul_alamzz

Berada di Cipanas, Istana Presiden ini tentu saja sangat menarik untuk dikunjungi. Istana yang telah dibangun oleh Van Heuts pada tahun 1970 di kawasan Cipanas yang sejuk membuat tempat wisata di Cipanas Cianjur ini sangat sejuk dan juga nyaman sehingga jangan sampai anda terlewat dengan tempat yang satu ini.Curug Citambur

by instagram @ariawibawa55

Curug Citambur menjadi wisata alam di daerah Cianjur yang sebaiknya jangan sampai anda lewatkan. Curug yang satu ini berada di daerah Desa Karang Jaya, Pagelaran, Cianjur. Dengan tinggi air terjun yang mencapai 100 m dan keindahan alam yang tersaji tentu saja membuat wisata alam ini wajib ada dalam daftar wisata di Cianjur.Taman Nasional Gunung Gede Pangrango

by instagram @kakasetiawan011
Untuk wisata di Cianjur selanjutnya, anda bisa pilih Taman Nasional Gunung Gede Pangrango. Kawasan ini memiliki keanekaragaman ekosistem seperti ekosistem montana, sub-montana, sub-alpin, savana, danau hingga rawa. Tentu saja, hal ini membuat anda bisa menikmati berbagai pemandangan alam di satu tempat.Telaga Biru

by instagram @sarrahans

Ada pula wisata Telaga Biru yang tidak kalah menarik di Cianjur. Dari pintu Cibodas, anda harus menempuh perjalanan sekitar 1,5 km. Telaga yang memiliki wana biru khas ini pasti akan membuat liburan anda makin menyenangkan.

Gunung Gede
by instagram @armaaprilly

Untuk anda para pecinta alam, tidak ada salahnya mendaki Gunung Gede di Cianjur. Gunung yang memiliki tinggi sekitar 3000 mdpl ini menjadi salah satu tempat wisata Cianjur yang wajib bagi para pendaki. Keindahan puncak Gunung Gede adalah daya tarik tersendiri dari wisata ini.Air Terjun 

by instagram @inul04

Anda ingin datang ke air terjun? Di Cianjur ada wisata yang bernama Air Terjun Cibeureum. Dari Cibodas, anda hanya perlu menempuh perjalanan sejauh 2,8 km untuk menikmati keindahan alam air terjun yang ditumbuhi lumut merah sekitarnya.Kandang Badakkandang-badak
by instagram @lukyerya17

Anda yang ingin melihat hewan langka Badak, tempat wisata di Cianjur Jawa Barat ini sangat pas untuk anda tentunya. Tempat wisata ini berada pada ketinggian sekitar 2.220 mdpl. Dari Cibodas sendiri, Kandang Badak berjarak sekitar 7,8 km dengan lama tempuh perjalanan 3,5 jam.Alun-Alun

by instagram @tanlennytan

Alun-alun Suryakencana menjadi objek wisata di Cianjur lain yang jangan sampai anda lewatkan saat datang kesini. Di tempat ini anda bisa melihat hamparan bunga edelweis yang sangat cantik. Pastinya, berselfie menjadi hal wajib saat datang ke tempat ini. Untuk musim terbaik, anda datang bulan Juni sampai September.Situs Gunung Padangsitus-gunung-padang
by instagram @ahmad_idhamrinaldi

Apabila anda ingin nikmati keindahan alam Cianjur sambil mempelajari situs sejarah, anda bisa berkunjung ke situs Gunung Padang. Inilah situs megalitikum yang berupa batu dan juga punden berundak. Berada di Desa Kwryamukti, Kecamatan Campaka, Cianjur, anda tentu saja akan temukan sebuah situs warisan purbakala yang berada di ketinggian 885 mpdl.Kota Bungakota-bunga-cianjur
Tempat wisata keluarga yang dapat anda kunjungi selanjutnya ialah Kota Bunga. Di tempat ini, anda bisa temukan banyak wahana liburan yang sangat sayang bila dilewatkan. Salah satu wahana yang paling terkenal di Kota Bunga yaitu cerminan Kota Venesia. Disini anda pun bisa berkeliling dengan gunakan cano. Tidak hanya itu, ada pula banyak wahana permainan anak dan penyewaan kuda.Gunung Mas Puncakgunung-mas-puncak
by instagram @aferdyaTidak kalah menarik untuk dikunjungi, inilah Gunung Mas Puncak. Lahan perkebunan teh yang membentang menjadi daya tarik utama tempat wisata ini. Ada pula disediakan wahana menarik seperti lapangan sepak bola, volly dan juga berkuda.Waduk Ciratawaduk-cirata
by instagram @nianyalestari
Bukan hanya wisata kolam renang Cianjur yang terkenal, tapi wisata waduknya pun tidak kalah menarik. Inilah Waduk Cirata, wisata lain yang jangan sampai anda lewatkan. Meskipun bernama waduk, yang akan anda temukan bukanlah waduk yang kecil. Akan tetapi anda bisa temukan sebuah waduk yang sangat luas. Berfungsi sebagai pusat pembangkit listrik, waduk ini juga dibuka sebagai tempat wisata yang banyak diminati orang. Anda yang ingin melihat keindahan waduk bisa menyewa kapal. Untuk masuk ke tempat wisata ini pun sangat murah. Anda hanya harus keluarkan ongkos parkir saja.
Danau Leuwi Soro
by instagram @dya_iganov

Ada juga tempat wisata Cianjur lain yang sangat menarik untuk dikunjungi. Inilah Danau Leuwi Soro di Kecamatan Pagelara, Cianjur. Danau yang satu ini akan hadirkan suasana yang sangat asri. Air danau yang jernih dan tenang ditambah dengan pepohonan di sekitarnya membuat pemandangan alam danau ini sangat menarik. Dengan harga tiket masuk yang relatif murah membuat wisata tersebut sering dikunjungi.
Masjid Agung Cianjur
by instagram @ismailaldii

Anda juga bisa berwisata religi di Cianjur. Disini, anda bisa langsung datang ke Masjid Agung Cianjur. Masjid ini merupakan masjid yang telah berdiri sejak ratusan tahun lalu sebab dibangun pada 1810. Masjid tersebut dibangun di atas tanah wakaf Bupati Cianjur yang ke-4 yaitu Ny. Raden Bodedar binti Kanjeng Dalem Sabiruddin.Arum Jeram di Sungai CikundulBagi anda yang suka tantangan, anda bisa langsung datang ke Sungai Cikundul. Disana anda bisa memacu adrenalin anda dengan lakukan arum jeram. Dengan jalur sepanjang 7 km, wisata alam Cianjur ini jelas akan membuat anda tertantang. Ditambah dengan pemandangan alam yang memukau, aktivitas rafting anda akan makin menyenangkan.

by instagram @putrin_19

Apabila anda ingin menikmati berbagai permainan yang menarik, anda datang saja langsunh ke The Jhon’s Aquatic Resort. Di tempat ini, anda akan temukan banyak permainan yang tentu saja sangat menarik seperti Flying Fox, Trampilone, Waterball, ATV, Boat Lagoon hingga menunggang kuda. Berada di kawasan hutan Kota Cianjur, anda tentu akan dapatkan pemandangan yang indah.Tias Wisata CianjurAnda pun bisa datang ke Warung Jengkol, Rancagoong apabila ingin kunjungi Tias Wisata Cianjur. Di tempat ini, anda bisa dapatkan berbagai macam fasilitas liburan yang cukup lengkap. Untuk tiket masuknya, anda hanya cukup merogoh kocek 20 ribu per orang.Danau Sejuta PesonaAda pun wisata lain yang tidak kalah menarik. Inilah Danau Sejuta Pesona di Cianjur. Berlokasi di Kota Bunga, anda bisa temukan berbagai jenis permainan yang tentunya sangat menarik seperti bumper boat, mandi bola, gurita, magic ring, fantasy walk dan masih banyak lagi lainnya.Puncak Rindu Alam

by instagram @dinyogii

Berada di Jalan Raya Puncak KM 83, Puncak Rindu Alam bisa jadi destinasi wisata yang sangat menarik untuk anda. Anda bisa menikmati keindahan alam pengunungan yang tentunya akan sangat menyenangkan. Fasilitas yang cukup lengkap seperti Masjid dan tempat makan membuat liburan anda makin menyenangkan.Perkebunan Teh PanyairanPerkebunan teh di Cianjur memang cukup banyak. Karena itulah anda bisa datangi berbagai perkebunan teh yang ada disana. Salah satunya ialah Perkebunan Teh Panyairan. Lokasinya sendiri berada di Jalan Raya Campaka, Kec. Campaka dan Sukanegara. Perkebunan teh ini berada 35 km dari pusat kota Cianjur.Perkebunan Teh Gedehperkebunan-teh-gedeh
by instagram @msple7
Perkebunan Teh Gedeh pun bisa menjadi pilihan wisata Cianjur anda lainnya. Di tempat ini, tentu saja, pemandangan pohon teh yang sangat luas tentu akan menjadi hal yang bisa anda nikmati. Apabila anda ingin datang ke kebun teh tertua yang ada di Pulau Jawa ini, anda bisa langsung datang ke alamat Jalan Raya Cipanas-Cianjur.
Wana Wisata Mandalawangiwana-wisata-mandalawangi
by instagram @nuruljp

Tidak kalah menarik untuk dikunjungi, inilah Wana Wisata Mandalawangi. Berada di Desa Rarahan, Kec. Pacet, tempat wisata di Cianjur dekat stasiun yang satu ini jelas sangat direkomendasikan. Berada 25 km dari pusat Kots Cianjur, anda bisa melihat berbagai flora dan juga fauna disana. Udara sejuk pun akan membuat suasana liburan anda menjadi makin menyenangkan bersama keluarga.Pantai Arfa
Bukan hanya terkenal dengan daerah pegunungan saja, Cianjur juga memiliki wisata pantai yang tidak kalah menarik untuk dikunjungi. Inilah Pantai Arfa yang ada di daerah Cianjur. Lokasinya tepat di Kecamatan Sindang Barang, Kabupaten Cianjur daerah selatan. Anda yang akan datang ke sini tidak perlu bingung sebab lokasi wisata Cianjur Selatan ini ada dekat dekat dengan alun-alun Sindang Barang yaitu sekitar 300 meter saja.Wisata Kuliner di CianjurBerwisata ke sebuah kota tentu saja tidak akan lengkap tanpa wisata kulinernya. Jadi, selain wisata Cianjur Selatan, jika anda datang kesini, wisata wisata kuliner Cianjur jangan sampai terlewatkan. Anda bisa nikmati berbagai macam makanan khas dari Cianjur di berbagai tempat makan mulai dari restaurant hingga di pedagang kaki lima. Anda cukup pilih mana yang paling anda sukai.

Curug Batu Lempar, Gedeh – Cianjur – by instagram @ramli_azhari

Littlevenice by instagram @ella_el_barca

curug cibereum, taman nasional gn. Gede pangrango. – By instagram @oyeng12taman-bunga-nusantara
Taman Bunga Nusantara by instagram @opii_triataman-joglo
Taman Joglo by instagram @nurunnisa_djuandisukanagara-cianjur-selatan
Sukanagara Cianjur Selatan by instagram @nanda_rahmawatiItulah wisata yang bisa anda kunjungi ketika anda datang ke Kota Cianjur. Banyaknya tempat wisata yang tersedia di kota tersebut tentu saja akan membuat anda makin betah liburan. Anda bisa menikmati berbagai macam wisata yang sangat menyenangkan mulai wisata alam, wisata air, wisata religi hingga wisata kuliner pun bisa dilakukan. Kemudian, bagi anda yang ingin mengunjungi berbagai tempat wisata di Cianjur yang murah ini, anda sebaiknya memilih tempat yang sesuai dengan keinginan anda
Sumber :

Nasionalisme Penyebab Runtuhnya Khilafah Pemersatu Umat Islam

About 14 Centuries ago, has stood a superpower that makes the Islamic faith as a foundation for the establishment. A country that is Able to unite the brotherhood of man in the frame on the basis of Aqeedah, the Aqeedah of Islam. That Daulah Islam (Islamic State), which was proclaimed by the Prophet Shallalahu 'alaihi wa sallam in Madinah Al-Munawarah are then forwarded by the successor state relay leadership starts from the first four Caliphs to expire during the Ottoman Caliphate on March 3, 1924 ago.
Since the collapse of the Caliphate in 1924 that resulting totaling 1:57 billion Muslims live in a fragmented state on Behalf of the nation-state or nation state. As a result, each individual Muslims do not belong together either in feeling, thought and system / rules, so gone are the life of the which is based on the Islamic Aqeedah and Shariah Islam in their lives in the community.
Between Aqidah Islam and Nationalism
Islam is a religion that consists of aqidah and syariah. Aqidah as a basis for thought and Islamic sharia as a living system as well as a living system. Mahmud Syalthut stated, "In Islam, the creed is the basic foundation (al-ashl) WHO built the Shari'a. Sharia reflection aqidah. Hence, there is no law without the presence of the creed. Nothing except the application of Islamic law under the auspices of the Islamic creed. Because, without Shari'a-based creed as the building without foundation. "
Sentence Tawheed, Laa ilaha illa Allah, Muhammaddarasulullah is a sentence that binds Muslims to each other. Aqeedah is what causes the melting companions Abu Bakr Arabic & Persian Salman WHO Came with Bilal from the Ethiopian people by Suhaib derived from the Romans. There is no bond other than a bond Aqeedah at the time the bond between friends in the time of the Prophet and afterwards to the people before the Ottoman Caliphate collapsed, nor tribal or ethnic ties, Including ties nor Nationalism.
Nationalism by Hans Kohn is defined as "a state of mind in individuals feel that WHO is the highest devotion to the nation and the homeland". Nationalism indeed absurd idea, does not Contain a definite sense, the which arises from the passions of ignorant selfishness alone.
Nationalism is not a viable idea to awaken mankind. Because in a revival, we need a thorough thought (fikrah kulliyah) about life, the universe, and humans, as well as some thoughts about life to solve the problems of life (Taqiyuddin An Nabhani, 1953).
Nationalism causes destruction of the Khilafah
What is the relationship between nationalism and the destruction of the Khilafah? According to Zain and Ahmad Najah MA, nationalism is Believed to be the main cause of the collapse of the Ottoman Caliphate. Historians citing Mahmud Shakir in the book Tarikh Ottoman Islamic Dawla, Najah mention that the means to destroy the power of the Islamic government in Turkey it is time to turn nationalism.
Perhaps the most important thing is that the group moves to spread nationalism, they do not have the means to undermine the movement Daulah Islamiyah except with "spreading nationalism". Therefore, they work hard to Achieve that goal. It turns out that nationalism is an important element in weakening the power of the Daulah Islamiyah, Because Muslims, nationalism, will be scattered, each at odds; each wants to join the clan and his group, wants to break away from the power Daula. Suffice it to move to the breakaway strength kotaklah be compartmentalized beings. Thus Spake, Daula and disconnected networks will weaken and eventually collapse. So it goes. (Mahmud Shakir, Tarikh Islam, Maktab al-Islami, 1991 M, VIII / 122).
Starting from the emergence of various propaganda towards nationalism pioneered by Unity and Development Party, they started the movement by downloading the Turkish-Daulah Utsmaniah in Turkey. Preaching To sustain this, they made the wolf (god of the Turks before Islam) as symbols of the movement. (Muhammad Muhammad Husain, Ittijâhât Wathaniyah, II.85)
Party led by Ahmad Rida and centered in Paris is also trying to spread hostility toward Arabs, Including by any attempt to remove the Ministry, Interior Ministry, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, WHO was held by the Arabs, to replaced with the Turks. They also tried to restrict the privilege granted only to Turkish nation Utsmaniah alone. (Muwafiq Bani Marjah, Sulthan Abdul Hamid and Utsmaniah Caliphate, p. 174)
The movement made the Arabs furious. As a result, in a short time sprung movement "Arab fanaticism" and Quickly spread throughout the region Utsmaniah government, like in Egypt, Sham, Iraq, and Hijaz.
Starting from the court of the earth Sham, fanaticism is growing and enlarged to various countries. Fanaticism is intended to subvert Utsmaniah Caliphate held by the Turks. More ironically, this fanaticism is controlled by Lebanese Christians can people, WHO have been nurtured in Western education. Among the characters are Namir Faris and Ibrahim Yasji. Movement of Arab fanaticism is driven further by Negib Azoury, a Christian employee of Ottoman rule in Palestine. He managed to publish a book Le Revell de la Nation Arabe. In his book, he Expressed his idea to create an Arab empire that has natural limits items, namely: the Valley of the Euphrates and Tigris, the Indian Ocean, the Suez Canal, and the Mediterranean. This idea would obviously faster separatism Encourage creation of the Arab territories of the Ottoman rule. (Azyumardi Azra, Islam and the State: Experiments in Modern Period)
In the years 1914-1918 World War I; opportunity for the Arab nations to secede from the Caliphate Utsmaniah. They want to establish a "Caliphate Arabiyah" as unmatchable. This opportunity is not wasted England to destroy the power of Islam.
Europe understands very well that the divisions between Arab and Turkish Islamic forces resulted in weak, as was revealed by Muhammad Abduh:
Indeed, the Arabs capable of ousting the Turks from the seat of the Caliphate. However, the Turks were not willingly granted. Moreover, at that time the Turks have a military force that is not owned by other parties. With it they will attack and kill the Arabs. So if the two powers Weakened, Europeans are becoming stronger. They have long to wait between the Muslims fight, then trying to master both the nation or the weakest one. And this time the Arabs and the Turks are the strongest nation in the Muslim body. Therefore, as a result of the fight between the nations, will obviously be Weaker strength of Islam as well as a shortcut meunuju demise. (Dr. Muhammad Emirate, Al-Jam'iyah al-Islamiyya wa al-fikrah al-Qawmiyyah, Dar asyu-Syuruq, 1414-1994, p. 53, 54).
Knowing such, diutuslah "Lorence", spionis British Jewish upbringing, WHO were later known as the "Arab Lorence". After preparing everything, finally managed to hit the Arab revolution Utsmaniah power of the Caliphate in Turkey, of course, under the guidance and direction of this Arab Lorence.
Arab armies gather and unite with foreign powers. Long before the conspiracy to destroy the Khilafah Utsmaniah done, the British had promised Sharif Husayn, Makkah magnifying the time, that if the Caliph Utsmaniah fall then Sharif Husain will be the Caliph replacement.
But in reality, after the plan was successful and the war was over, the British reneged on that promise. Two representatives were invited Sharif Husain in the handover ceremony held in Jeddah was not present. Even at that time the British open secret that had been kept, the which turns out three large countries (Britain, France and Russia) have colluded to divide the territory between them Utsmaniah Caliphate. At the same time, Mustafa Kemal had managed to seize the reins of leadership of the family Utsmaniah. It seems it had been planned much Earlier, when he led the movement Kamaliyun, WHO Reviews their conduct underground activities. This movement had the full support of the International Masuniah movement. (Dr. Jamal Abdul Hadi, Al-mujtama 'al-Islami al-Mu'ashir, Al-Wafa', I / 59).
Peak, at the end of Mustafa Kemal Luzone Conference receives 4 English terms proposed to Recognize the new power in Turkey. The four conditions are:
1.Remove the Khilafah system;
2. Alienate family Utsmaniah beyond borders;
3. Proclaimed the establishment of a secular state;
4 Freezing Utsmaniah family property and possessions. (Mahmud Shakir, Tarikh al-Islam, VIII / 233).
After six Centuries led the world, to defend the glory of Islam and Muslims, "The Old Sick-Man" finally collapsed. Not collapsed is because of the attacks from the enemies outside, but in the hands of his own sons. After the fall of the last bastion of the Muslims, the Arabs Realized that they had been fooled seduction England and unconsciously took part in the overthrow of the Ottoman Caliphate. However, they are not Able to do anything else.
Fake Hadith spread
There is one more way that is used by the kuffar at that time to further divide Muslims, but REMAIN tied in bonds of falsehood nationalism, ie, by creating and disseminating hadith roomates until now very familiar in our society. Namely roomates hadith reads:
حب الوطن من الإيمان
That is, "Love the country, Including the faith".

The phrase "terminal Wathon hubbul faith" (love of homeland part of faith) is Often Considered the hadith of the Prophet Shallalahu 'alaihi wa Sallam by nationalist leaders, preachers, and the preachers were less steeped in the science of hadith and hadith. The goal is to plug in nationalism and patriotism with religious arguments to be more firmly Believed Muslims.
Sheikh Albani honor when asked about this hadith he said, "And the meaning is not true. Because of love as well as love of country life and property; someone is not commendable to love her cause Because it is human nature. Did you see that all human beings Participate in this love, both pagan and believer he! "
When asked why this could spread false hadith, then Al-Hafiz al-Shawkani said, "Historians have underestimated the hadiths express falsehood about the primacy of the country, much less Reviews their own country. They are very underestimated once, to the extent Mentioned false Hadith and not warn him, as did Ibn Dabi 'in Tarikhnya Entitled "Qurrotul Uyun bi Akhbaril Yemen Al-Maimoon" and other books Entitled "Bughyatul Mustafid bi Akhbar Medina Zabid" when he includes hadith scholars. then should one be aware of This belief or narrated, Because The problem lies in the widespread and exceeded the limits. All it is is human nature are to cintah homeland and hometown ".
That is the poison of nationalism kufr idea. An idea that Muslims are Able to pulverise institution called the Islamic Caliphate. The only institution kaffah implementing Islamic law, the which unite into one community.
Rabb (Lord) we are one the which Allaah
Muslims only believe in one God who created the universe ini.Tuhan that must be worshiped, honored and obeyed his orders and prohibitions shunned, and only they hung all her affairs. Almighty God ie Allaah. Allaah says:
Say, "He is Allah, the Almighty". (QS. Al-Ikhlas 112: 1)
God is a god WHO depend on Him all affairs. (QS. Al-Ikhlas 112: 2)
Book us that the Qur'an
Muslims believe the Qur'an as a guide to life, the which govern all of Reviews their affairs. In the which there are laws that resolves all matters. Therefore, in case of disagreement between them, then they return to the newspaper to get a solution to the problem. And they will accept the decision with full readiness. Allaah says:
ويوم نبعث في كل أمة شهيدا عليهم من أنفسهم وجئنا بك شهيدا على هؤلاء ونزلنا عليك الكتاب تبيانا لكل شيء وهدى ورحمة وبشرى للمسلمين
(And remember) the day (when) we raise in every nation a witness against them from them- selves, and We bring you (O Muhammad) be a witness over all mankind. And We have sent down to thee the Book (the Qur'an) to explain all things and guidance and mercy and good Tidings for Those who submit. (QS. An-Nahl 16:89)
One roomates our Prophet Muhammad Shallalahu 'Alaihi wa Sallam
What is given to you then accept him Apostles. And what he forbids you then leave; and bertaqwalah to God. Verily Allah is severe in His punishment. (QS. Al-Hashr 59: 7)
Our Qibla ie the Kaaba Baitullah
The make Muslims the Kaaba as the qibla the which unites them carefully. All Muslims face toward Mecca when the prayer as the most important worship in Islam. Wherever they are, they must expose his face towards the holy Kaaba Baitullah. And in every season of Hajj Muslims from all over the world flock to this place to respond to the call of God to them by performing Hajj. And for Those who do not come to this place Because there are no costs can Salaah at their respective work places with the same face as the expression of togetherness. Allaah says the which means:
And (remember) when We Gave to Abraham in the place where the House (saying), "Do not to associate nothing with Me and purify My house is for people WHO tawaf, and Those who worship and Reviews those bowing and prostration. (QS. Al-Hajj 22:26)
And cried out to the man to do the pilgrimage, they will come to you on foot and camel riding skinny coming from every corner of the remote. (QS. Al-Hajj 22:27)
Leadership we are also one the Caliphate
"Islam makes Muslims as a people are one, uniting them in a single state, giving the priests for them to govern the country and the people are one, the which is in charge of enforcing Islamic and control various affairs within the limits set by Islam. " (Dr. Abdul Qadir Ouda, Al Islam wa Audho'unaa As Siyaasiyah, p. 278, Muassasah Ar Risalah, 1981)

Hopefully, people are increasingly aware that the cause of These people torn diffusion is the caused by the understanding of falsehood called nationalism, so that people will increasingly fling the idea and returned to the make the Islamic faith as the basis of forming a bond, the Islamic Aqeedah . And earnestly strive to be upright again Caliphate. Because there is no glory without Islam. Imperfect Islam without shariah. Kaffah would erect Islamic law in the absence of the Khilafah. However, not upright Khilafah without proselytizing. Ideological proselytizing re-Daulah berjuangan to uphold Islamic Caliphate Islamic life that could Happen again. And Allah knows best bi-sowab ash
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