Pidato Pertama Bung Karno Pasca G30S
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Pidato Pertama Bung Karno Pasca G30S
DISIARKAN RRI pada tanggal 3 Oktober 1965 pukul 1.33 dinihari dan dimuat di harian Berita Yudha tanggal 4 October.
Dalam pidato pertama kepada publik ini,
Bung Karno menyatakan bahwa dirinya dalam keadaan selamat dan tetap
memegang pucuk pimpinan negara.
Tanggal 2 Oktober Bung Karno mengumpulkan
semua pemimpin Angkatan Bersenjata dan Waperdam II Dr. Leimena. Bung
Karno telah menetapkan Mayor Jenderal Pranoto Reksosamudro sebagai
pengganti Panglima Angkatan Darat Jenderal Ahmad Yani. Sementara Mayor
Jendera Suharto diberi tugas memulihkan keamanan dan ketertiban pasca
Pidato pertama Bung Karno pasca G30S ini diperoleh dari Cornell University.
Brothers, repeating my order as Supreme
Commander of the Armed Forces/Great Leader of the Revolution which was
announced on October 1, 1965, and to eliminate all uncertainty among the
people, herewith I once again declare that I am safe and well and
continue to hold the top leadership of the state and the top
[leadership] of the government and the Indonesian Revolution.
Today, October 2, 1965, I summoned all
Commanders of the Armed Forces, together with Second Deputy Prime
Minister, Dr. Leimena, and other important official quickly settling the
problem of the so September 30 Affair. To be able to settle this
problem I have ordered the prompt creation of a calm and orderly
atmosphere and for this purpose it is necessary to prevent any
possibility of armed conflict.
In the present stage of the determined
struggle of the Indonesian people, I command the entire population
continuously to increase vigilance and preparedness in the framework of
intensifying the implementation of Dwikora.
I appeal to all the Indonesian people to
continue to remain calm and to all ministers and other officials
continuously to carry out their respective duties as before.
At present the leadership of the Army is
directly in my hands, and to discharge the day-to-day tasks within the
Army, I have appointed temporarily Major General Pranoto Reksosamudro,
Third Assistant to the Minister/Commander of the Army.
To carry out the restoration of security
and order in connection with the September 30th Affair, I have appointed
Major General Suharto, Commander of KOSTRAD, in accordance with the
policy I have already outlined. Brothers, let us persist in nurturing
the spirit of national unity and harmony. Let us steadfastly kindle the
anti-Nekolim spirit. God be with us all.
Salam Revolusi
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