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Konspirasi Anti Syiah dan Upaya Adu Domba CIA

Demo Anti Syi'ah & Fatwa Habib Umar bin Hafidz: "Syi'ah Tak Boleh Dikafirkan"
Ketua Tanfidz PBNU Said Agil Siradj : Syi'ah adalah mazhab Islam yg membanggakan karena dari generasi ke generasi konsisten membangun dan menjaga tradisi Intelektual dan Ilmiyah, Gus Dur : NU adalah Syi'ah minus Imamah, Ketua Muhammadiyah Dien Syamsuddin: Sunnah-Syi'ah wajib menjalin Ukhuwah sebagai prasyarat menuju Kejayaan Isam, Fatwa Syaikhul Azhar dan Mufti Mesir Syi'ah adaalah MAzhab yg sah di dalam Islam, Risalah Amman 2005 mengakui dan memasukkan Syi'ah Imamiyah satu diantara 8 mazhab resmi di dlm Islam bahkan Habib Umar bin Hafidz dan Habib Ali al-Jufri termasuk orang yg membubuhkan tanda tangannya diantara ratusan Ulama yg memiliki otoritas dalam berfatwa, setiap tahun jamaah haji muslim syi'ah menunaikan Ibadah haji ke tanah suci dan tak ada satu negara pun yg bisa melarangnya,dan ada 4 orang Ulama Syi'ah duduk di MUI Pusat menunjukan penghargaan kepada mazhab Syi'ah sebagai bagian yg tak terpisahkan dari Umat Islam. ___________________________________________ Sedih ya?....ya kita sudah sepantasnya bersedih, miris, kecewa, dlsb....toleransi terhadap kemajemukan sudah tak ada, dengan dalih membela agama/mazhab/golongan maka kekerasan, intimidasi, pembusukan karakter, fitnah dan kedustaan seolah mendapat tempat dan dibenarkan disisi lain juga tugas para pemimpin Agama menjadi dipertanyakan kenapa mereka terkesan lamban dan tak mau mengeluarkan sikap dan tindakan nyata untuk meredam konflik horisontal ini. Sebetulnya asal mau berjiwa besar dan demi maslahat Bangsa dan Negara Majelis Ulama Indonesia sebagai mitra pemerintah bisa mengeluarkan Fatwa yg tegas dan eksplisit bahwa Sunnah-Syi'ah bersaudara dan wajib menjalin Ukhuwah Islamiyah dgn keluarnya Fatwa tegas tersebut maka siapapun anak bangsa ini tak bisa seenaknya bertindak anarkhis atas nama mazhab atau apapun namanya...beranikah mereka besikap dan mengeluarkan FATWA ?? Semoga MUI dan Pemerintah bertindak cepat dan tepat !!!
Sumber: Satu Islam
Konspirasi Anti Syiah dan Upaya Adu Domba CIA (dari FB Idrus Shahab) Sebuah buku berjudul “A Plan to Divide and Destroy the Theology” telah terbit di AS. Buku ini berisi wawancara detail dengan Dr. Michael Brant, mantan tangan kanan direktur CIA. Dalam wawancara ini diungkapkan hal-hal yang sangat mengejutkan. Dikatakan bahwa CIA telah mengalokasikan dana sebesar 900 juta US dolar untuk melancarkan berbagai aktivitas anti-Syiah. Dr. Michael Brant sendiri telah lama bertugas di bagian tersebut, akan tetapi ia kemudian dipecat dengan tuduhan korupsi dan penyelewengan jabatan. Tampaknya dalam rangka balas dendam, ia membongkar rencana-rencana rahasia CIA ini. Brant berkata bahwa sejak beberapa abad silam dunia Islam berada di bawah kekuasaan negara-negara Barat. Meskipun kemudian sebagian besar negara-negara Islam ini sudah merdeka, akan tetapi negara-negara Barat tetap menguasai kebebasan, politik, pendidikan, dan budaya mereka, terutama sistem politik dan ekonomi mereka. Oleh sebab itu, meski telah merdeka dari penjajahan fisik, mereka masih banyak terikat kepada Barat. Pada 1979, kemenangan Revolusi Islam telah menggagalkan politik-politik kami. Pada mulanya Revolusi Islam ini dianggap hanya sebagai reaksi wajar dari politik-politik Syah Iran. Dan setelah Syah tersingkir, kami (AS) akan menempatkan lagi orang-orang kami di dalam pemerintahan Iran yang baru, sehingga kami akan dapat melanjutkan politik-politik kami di Iran. Setelah kegagalan besar AS dalam dua tahun pertama (dikuasainya Kedubes AS di Teheran dan hancurnya pesawat-pesawat tempur AS di Tabas) dan setelah semakin meningkatnya kebangkitan Islam dan kebencian terhadap Barat, juga setelah munculnya pengaruh-pengaruh Revolusi Islam Iran di kalangan Syiah di berbagai negara–terutama Libanon, Irak, Kuwait, Bahrain, dan Pakistan–akhirnya para pejabat tinggi CIA menggelar pertemuan besar yang disertai pula oleh wakil-wakil dari Badan Intelijen Inggris. Inggris dikenal telah memiliki pengalaman luas dalam berurusan dengan negara-negara ini. Dalam pertemuan tersebut, kami sampai pada beberapa kesimpulan, di antaranya bahwa Revolusi Islam Iran bukan sekadar reaksi alami dari politik Syah Iran. Tetapi, terdapat berbagai faktor dan hakikat lain, di mana faktor terkuatnya adalah adanya kepemimpinan politik Marjaiyah (kepemimpinan agama) dan syahidnya Husein, cucu Rasulullah, 1400 tahun lalu, yang hingga kini masih tetap diperingati oleh kaum Syiah melalui upacara-upacara kesedihan secara luas. Sesungguhnya dua faktor ini yang membuat Syiah lebih aktif dibanding Muslimin lainnya. Dalam pertemuan CIA itu, telah diputuskan bahwa sebuah lembaga independen akan didirikan untuk mempelajari Islam Syiah secara khusus dan menyusun strategi dalam menghadapi Syiah. Bujet awal sebesar 40 juta US dolar juga telah disediakan. UNTUK PENYEMPURNAAN PROYEK INI, ADA TIGA TAHAP PROGRAM: 1. Pengumpulan informasi tentang Syiah, markas-markas dan jumlah lengkap pengikutnya. 2. Program-program jangka pendek: propaganda anti-Syiah, mencetuskan permusuhan dan bentrokan besar antara Syiah dan Sunni dalam rangka membenturkan Syiah... dengan Sunni yang merupakan mayoritas Muslim, lalu menarik mereka (kaum Syiah) kepada AS. 3. Program-program jangka panjang: demi merealisasikan tahap pertama, CIA telah mengutus para peneliti ke seluruh dunia, di mana enam orang dari mereka telah diutus ke Pakistan, untuk mengadakan penelitian tentang upacara kesedihan bulan Muharram. PARA PENELITI CIA INI HARUS MENDAPATKAN JAWABAN BAGI SOAL-SOAL BERIKUT: a. Di kawasan dunia manakah kaum Syiah tinggal dan berapa jumlah mereka? b. Bagaimanakah status sosial-ekonomi kaum Syiah dan apa perbedaan-perbedaan di antara mereka? c. Bagaimanakah cara untuk menciptakan pertentangan internal di kalangan Syiah? d. Bagaimanakah cara memperbesar perpecahan antara Syiah dan Sunni? e. Mengapa mereka kuatir terhadap Syiah? Dr. Michael Brant berkata bahwa setelah melalui berbagai polling tahap pertama dan setelah terkumpulnya informasi tentang pengikut Syiah di berbagai negara, didapat poin-poin yang disepakati, sebagai berikut: Para Marja’ Syiah adalah sumber utama kekuatan mazhab ini, yang pada setiap zaman selalu melindungi mazhab Syiah dan menjaga sendi-sendinya. Dalam sejarah panjang Syiah, kaum ulama (para Marja) tidak pernah menyatakan baiat (kesetiaan) kepada penguasa yang tidak Islami. Akibat fatwa Ayatullah Syirazi, Marja Syiah saat itu, Inggris tidak mampu bertahan di Iran. Di Irak yang merupakan pusat terbesar ilmu-ilmu Syiah, Saddam dengan segala kekuatan dan segenap usaha tidak mampu membasmi Syiah. Pada akhirnya, ia terpaksa mengakhiri usahanya itu. Ketika semua pusat ilmu lain di dunia selalu mengambil langkah beriringan dengan para penguasa, Hauzah Ilmiyah Qom justru menggulung singgasana kerajaan tirani Syah. Di Libanon, Ayatullah Musa Shadr memaksa pasukan militer Inggris, Perancis, dan Israel melarikan diri. Keberadaan Israel juga terancam oleh sang Ayatullah dalam bentuk Hizbullah. Setelah semua penelitian ini, kami sampai pada kesimpulan bahwa berbenturan langsung dengan Syiah akan banyak menimbulkan kerugian, dan kemungkinan menang atas mereka sangat kecil. Oleh sebab itu, kami mesti bekerja di balik layar. Sebagai ganti slogan lama Inggris: Pecah-belah dan Kuasai (Divide and Rule), kami memiliki slogan baru: Pecah-belah dan Musnahkan (Divide and Annihilate). RENCANA MEREKA SEBAGAI BERIKUT: 1. Mendorong kelompok-kelompok yang membenci Syiah untuk melancarkan aksi-aksi anti-Syiah. 2. Memanfaatkan propaganda negatif terhadap Syiah, untuk mengisolasi mereka dari masyarakat Muslim lainnya. 3. Mencetak buku-buku yang menghasut Syiah. 4. Ketika kuantitas kelompok anti-Syiah meningkat, gunakan mereka sebagai senjata melawan Syiah (contohnya: Taliban di Afghanistan dan Sipah-e Sahabah di Pakistan). 5. Menyebarkan propaganda palsu tentang para Marja dan ulama Syiah. Orang-orang Syiah selalu berkumpul untuk memperingati tragedi Karbala. Dalam peringatan itu, seorang akan berceramah dan menguraikan sejarah tragedi Karbala, dan hadirin pun mendengarkannya. Lalu mereka akan memukul dada dan melakukan ‘upacara kesedihan’ (azadari). Penceramah dan para pendengar ini sangat penting bagi kita. Karena, azadari-azadari seperti inilah yang selalu menciptakan semangat menggelora kaum Syiah dan mendorong mereka untuk selalu siap memerangi kebatilan demi menegakkan kebenaran. Untuk itu: 1. Kita harus mendapatkan orang-orang Syiah yang materialistis dan memiliki akidah lemah, tetapi memiliki kemasyhuran dan kata-kata yang berpengaruh. Karena, melalui orang-orang inilah kita bisa menyusup ke dalam upacara-upacara azadari (wafat para Imam Ahlul Bait). 2. Mencetak atau menguasai para penceramah yang tidak begitu banyak mengetahui akidah Syiah. 3. Mencari sejumlah orang Syiah yang butuh duit, lalu memanfaatkan mereka untuk kampanye anti-Syiah. Sehingga, melalui tulisan-tulisan, mereka akan melemahkan fondasi-fondasi Syiah dan melemparkan kesalahan kepada para Marja dan ulama Syiah. 4. Memunculkan praktik-praktik azadari yang tidak sesuai dan bertentangan dengan ajaran Syiah yang sebenarnya. 5. Tampilkan praktik azadari (seburuk mungkin), sehingga muncul kesan bahwa orang-orang Syiah ini adalah sekelompok orang dungu, penuh khurafat, yang di bulan Muharram melakukan hal-hal yang mengganggu orang lain. 6. Untuk menyukseskan semua rencana itu harus disediakan dana besar, termasuk mencetak penceramah-penceram ah yang dapat menistakan praktik azadari. Sehingga, mazhab Syiah yang berbasis logika itu dapat ditampilkan sebagai sesuatu yang tidak logis dan palsu. Hal ini akan memunculkan kesulitan dan perpecahan di antara mereka. 7. Jika sudah demikian, tinggal kita kerahkan sedikit kekuatan untuk membasmi mereka secara tuntas. 8. Kucurkan dana besar untuk mempropagandakan informasi palsu. 9. Berbagai topik anti-Marjaiyah harus disusun. Kemudian diserahkan kepada para penulis bayaran untuk disebarkan kepada masyarakat luas. Marjaiyah, yang merupakan pusat kekuatan Syiah, harus dimusnahkan. Akibatnya, para pengikut Syiah akan bertebaran tanpa arah sehingga mudah untuk menghancurkan mereka. Untuk Info lebih lengkapnya:\ tRevealed.htm

Office Language Interface Pack (LIP)Free

Office Language Interface Pack (LIP) downloads

The Office Language Interface Pack (LIP) is a translated User Interface that installs on top of a copy of Microsoft Office 2003, 2007, 2010, or 2013 and can be downloaded and installed for free. With the LIP download, you can use Microsoft Excel, OneNote (Office 2010 only), Outlook, PowerPoint and Word features in a different language. After you have installed the LIP, you can change languages through Microsoft Office Language Preferences to see a translated user interface.
Nearly all available LIP languages also include a spelling checker. Translated Help is not part of the LIP download package, but may be available as a separate download for your selected language.
 Important    If a language is available in a language pack or as a fully localized version, it is not available as a language interface pack. If the language you want is not listed here, please go to Office Language Packs.

Available LIP downloads

 Tip    You must install the LIP version that matches your version of Office. For example, if you are using Microsoft Office 2007, you must install a 2007 Microsoft Office Language Interface Pack. A 2003 LIP version will not work with Office 2007.

Language Native Name Microsoft Office 2003 logo 2003 Microsoft Office 2007 logo 2007 Microsoft Office 2010 logo 2010 Microsoft Office 2013 2013
Afrikaans Afrikaanse Download Download Download LIPs aren’t available yet for Office 2013
Albanian Shqip Download Download Download
Amharic አማርኛ Not Available Download Download
Armenian Հայերեն Not Available Download Download
Assamese [অসমীয়া] Not Available Download Download
Azeri (Latin) Azərbaycan Not Available Download Download
Basque Euskara Download Download Download
Bangla (Bangladesh) বাংলা (বাংলাদেশ) Not Available Download Download
Bengali (India) বাংলা Not Available Download Download
Bosnian (Cyrillic) Босански Download Download Not Available
Bosnian (Latin) Bosanski Download Download Download
Catalan Català Download Download Download
Dari درى Not Available Not Available Download
Filipino Filipino Not Available Download Download
Galician Galego Download Download Download
Georgian ქართული Not Available Download Download
Gujarati ગુજરાતી Download Download Download
Hausa Hausa Not Available Download Download
Icelandic íslenska Download Download Download
Igbo Igbo Not Available Download Download
Indonesian Bahasa Indonesia Download Download Download
Inuktitut (Latin) Inuktitut Download Download Download
Irish Gaeilge Download Download Download
isiXhosa isiXhosa Not Available Download Download
isiZulu isiZulu Download Download Download
Kannada Kannada Download Download Download
Kazakh қазақ Download Language Pack Available Language Pack Available
Khmer ភាសាខ្មែរ Not Available Download Download
KiSwahili Kiswahili Download Download Download
Konkani कोंकणी Download Download Download
Kyrgyz Кыргыз Not Available Download Download
Lao ພາສາລາວ Not Available Download Not

Luxembourgish Lëtzebuergesch Download Download Download
Macedonian (FYROM) Македонски Download Download Download
Malay (Brunei Darussalam) Bahasa Melayu Not Available Download Download
Malay (Malaysia) Bahasa Melayu Download Download Download
Malayalam മലയാളം Not Available Download Download
Maltese Malti Not Available Not Available Download
Māori Te Reo Māori Download Download Download
Marathi [मराठी] Download Download Download
Mongolian (Cyrillic) Монгол хэл Not Available Not Available Download
Nepali नेपाली Download Download Download
Norwegian (Nynorsk) Norsk (Nynorsk) Download Download Download
Oriya ଓଡିଆ Not Available Download Download
Pashto Pashto Download Not Available Not

Persian فارسی Download Download Download
Punjabi ਪੰਜਾਬੀ Download Download Downloadi
Quechua Runasimi Download Download Download
Romansh Romansh Download Not Available Not

Serbian (Cyrillic, Serbia) српски Not Available Download Download
Serbian (Cyrillic, Bosnia & Herzegovina) српски Not Available Not Available Download
Sesotho sa Leboa Sesotho sa Leboa Not Available Download Download
Setswana (South Africa) Setswana Not Available Download Download
Sinhala සිංහල Not Available Download Download
Tamil தமிழ் Download Download Download
Tatar Татарча Not Available Download Download
Telugu తెలుగు Download Download Download
Turkmen Türkmençe Not Available Not Available Download
Urdu اردو Download Download Download
Uzbek O'zbekcha Not Available Download Download
Vietnamese Tiếng Việt Not Available Download Download
Welsh Cymraeg Download Download Download
Yoruba ede Yorùbá Not Available Download D

Microsoft Office 2010 Service Pack 1 (SP1) Free


Microsoft Office 2010 Service Pack 1 (SP1) provides the latest updates for Office 2010. This service pack includes two main categories of fixes:
  • Previously unreleased fixes that were made specifically for this service pack. In addition to general product fixes, these fixes include improvements in stability, performance, and in security.
  • All the public updates that were released through June 2011, and all the cumulative updates that were released through April 2011.


How to obtain and install the service pack

Method 1: Microsoft Update (recommended)

To download the service pack from Microsoft Update, visit the following Microsoft website:
Enrolling in Microsoft Update is the recommended way to update the products to SP1. Microsoft Update will detect which products that you have installed, and then apply all updates to the products.

Method 2: Download the SP1 package from Microsoft Download Center
The following files are available for download from the Microsoft Download Center:

Download the Microsoft Office 2010 Service Pack 1 64-bit package now.
Download the Microsoft Office 2010 Service Pack 1 32-bit package now.

For more information about how to download Microsoft support files, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
119591 How to obtain Microsoft support files from online services
Microsoft scanned this file for viruses. Microsoft used the most current virus-detection software that was available on the date that the file was posted. The file is stored on security-enhanced servers that help prevent any unauthorized changes to the file.

For more information about a complete list of all released SP1 desktop packages, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
2510690 List of all Microsoft Office 2010 Service Pack 1 packages

Overview of Office 2010 SP1 improvements

Specifically, these are the key areas of improvement in SP1.
    Access 2010 SP1
    • Access 2010 SP1 adds a new feature to integrate community content in the Application Parts gallery.
    • Fixes an issue that occurs when you try to export an Access file to an Excel workbook.
    • Improves the performance when publishing client forms from Access that contains embedded images

    Excel 2010 SP1
    • Improves the overall stability, performance and backward compatibility with earlier versions by addressing bugs that affect lots of users. For specific bugs fixes, download the "Microsoft Office 2010 Service Pack 1 Changes" workbook discussed later in this article.
    • Function names now maintain backward compatibility with earlier versions of Excel for the Czech, Dutch, Danish, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Brazilian Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish, and Turkish languages.
      Note This issue is described in the following Microsoft Knowledge Base (KB) article:
      2551525 Function names changed in non-English versions of Excel 2010 SP1

    OneNote 2010 SP1
    • Added a new Open from web option that is located under the File Open menu. This enables you to open OneNote notebooks from  SkyDrive.
    • The Web option and the Network option are now added under the File Share menu. This makes it easier to share a notebook.
    • You can use the Quik Filling feature to save your local Unfiled Notes section to another section, or to SkyDrive. To do this, click File, Options, Save and Backup, and then click Modify.
    • Improves how OneNote synchronizes with SharePoint or SkyDrive.
    • OneNote 2010 SP1 now uses Windows Live Essentials to log on to SkyDrive.
    • Fixes an issue that occurred when you applied a bullet or a numbered list to an empty line, or lines.
    • Fixes an issue where notebooks are visible in the navigation bar when you open or create lots of notebooks, and then minimize them.
    • Fixes an issue in which the incorrect style is used for the next line after a pasted link.
    • Fixes an issue in which the marked as read pages in OneNote 2010 changes to mark as unread.
    • Improves performance when a shared notebook is used by lots of users who use section groups.
    • OneNote 2010 SP1 now highlights items within the search results.
    • Fixes an issue that an ink may not move correctly when you share a notebook.
    • OneNote 2010 SP1 corrects the highlighting feature when you perform a search for certain text that is located inside a multipage XPS file.
    • Fixes an issue where the ink may not move as expected when you use the Insert Space command. Additionally, various other ink moving issues are addressed.
    • OneNote 2010 SP1 fixes the highlighting feature when you review a page that uses the highlighter tool.
    • A detailed error message is now when you use OneNote on a computer while other users are using SkyDrive OneNote on the same computer.
    • Improves performance when you use SharePoint 2010 to share a notebook on a slow network.
    • Fixes an issue in which you receive a "Exception 0x80042001(InvalidXML)" error message when you use the OneNote object model to export, and then import a page that contains Swedish content.
    • When you open OneNote 2010 for the first time, OneNote prompts you to set up your first notebook on SkyDrive or on a local location. OneNote 2010 SP1 adds a new DisableSkydriveSetupOnFirstBoot registry value to turn this feature off, and create the notebook locally.
    • Improved performance when you create a new page by using a template.
    • Fixes an issue in which the printout is displayed as a red X when you copy or move a page that contains a printout in OneNote 2010 format to OneNote 2007 format.
    • Fixes an author issue on a page when you use the OneNote object model to export and then import the page.
    • OneNote 2010 SP1 now correctly scrolls when the mouse pointer is near the edges of the screen.
    • OneNote 2010 SP1 can now open or synchronize notebooks created on SkyDrive that contains any of the following characters:
      , ",", &, %, #, ~, +
    • Fixes certain issues that Windows 7 users or Windows Vista users experience when they connect to SkyDrive, or use SkyDrive.
    • Fixes an issue in which you may lose customized note flags when an Add-in prevents OneNote 2010 from closing.
    • Fixes an issue an issue with the object model UpdateHierarchy method.

    Outlook 2010 SP1
    • Outlook 2010 SP1 includes Office 365 support.
    • Outlook 2010 SP1 can be set to always use the default sending account.
    • Fixes an issue in which the snooze time does not reset between appointments.

    PowerPoint 2010 SP1
    • The default behavior for the Use Presenter View option is changed to display the slide show on the secondary monitor, and display the notes on the primary monitor.
    • Fixes an issue in which an incorrect animation state occurs after you browse through all the slides.
    • Fixes an issue in which the mouse pointer disappears when you select the Second Monitor option from the Show On list.
    • Fixes an issue in which you receive the following error message when you edit or enable an Excel object that contains Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) code.
      Error accessing file. Network connection may have been lost.

      Microsoft PowerPoint can't start the application required to open this object. An error occurred and this feature is no longer functioning properly. Would you like to repair this feature now?
    • Fixes an issue in which an incorrect Runs.Count value is returned when a PowerPoint 2003 format presentation runs a PowerPoint 2010 object model command.
    • Fixes an issue in which audio or video media that was created on a Mac-based computer does not play back on a Windows-based computer.
    • Fixes an issue in which the images in an Enhanced Windows Medafile (EMF) file displays incorrectly when you save a slide as an Enhanced Windows Medafile (EMF) file, and then use a high resolution to print it.
    • Fixes an issue in which a pen cannot persist through the Slide Show mode when you use the pen as a pointer.
    • Fixes an issue that a default language change is not propagated to new slides or to new presentations.
    • Fixes an issue in which a linked image is not saved when you insert the linked image in a presentation, and then save the presentation an Open Document Format (ODF) file.

    Word 2010 SP1
    • Word 2010 SP1 includes a dialog box that warns users that the custom XML will be lost when files that use custom XML markups are saved in XML-based file formats.
    • Now, certain fields are available when you use the APA 6th and MLA 7th edition styles in the Bibliography feature.
    • Fixes an issue in which users receive the following error message when opening a Word 2010 document.
      The file <file name> cannot be opened because there are problems with the contents.

      The name in the end tag of the element must match the element type in the start tag.
    • Fixes an issue in which users receive the following error message when opening a Word 2010 document:
      Microsoft Office Word has encountered a problem and needs to close.
      Note This issue is described in the following Microsoft Knowledge Base (KB) article:
      2119612 Error message opening a document in Word 2010: "Microsoft Office Word has encountered a problem and needs to close" USP10.DLL
    • Fixes a font display problem when you open landscape documents that use a font that is installed on the system with PostScript outlines.
    • Fixes several editing conflict issues that occur when you use the Word Coauthoring feature.
    • Word 2010 SP1 now displays the map correctly when you use the Display Map function.
    • Paragraph indents are no longer lost when you edit other paragraph properties.
    • Word 2010 SP1 now saves a linked image correctly when you insert the linked image in a presentation, and then save the presentation as an Open Document Format (ODF) file.
    • When you copy some Excel data that includes cells and a chart, and then paste them as a linked Excel Worksheet Object (OLE) object in a Word document, the size of the chart may not be correct. Or, the chart may be corrupt. This issue occurs because Word uses the printer information to display the chart. Word 2010 SP1 adds an OleIgnorePrintPict registry value to 1 to ignore the printer information.
    • Fixes an issue in which a chart resizes fully when you use yellow resizing handles to change a shape inside the chart.
    • Fixes a rendering problem that occurs when you insert a graphic into a Word document, and then save the document as a HTML file.
    • Fixes an issue in which the whole Word group is flipped when you try to flip a child share inside a Word group by using the Word object model.
    • Fixes an issue in which the whole Word group is scaled when the ScaleHeight and ScaleWidth command use the Word object model to scale the height or scale the width of a child shape inside a Word group.
Downloadable list of issues that the service pack fixes

A workbook is available that lists the issues that are fixed by this service pack.
Download the Microsoft Office 2010 Service Pack 1 Changes.xlsx package now.

Note This workbook is in English. It is not translated into any other languages.

Known issues and behavior changes
2532126 Known issues that you may experience when you install the Microsoft Office 2010 Service Pack 1 and Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Service Pack 1

Technical information

For more information about this service pack that includes a list of files affected, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
2532118 Technical details about the Microsoft Office 2010 Service Pack 1 (SP1) releases


Article ID: 2460049 - Last Review: December 11, 2012 - Revision: 8.0
Applies to
  • Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010
  • Microsoft Office Professional 2010
  • Microsoft Office Standard 2010
  • Microsoft Office Home and Business 2010
  • Microsoft Office Home and Student 2010
  • Microsoft Office Starter 2010

Microsoft Office Suite Service Pack 3 (SP3) (Free Full )


Service Pack 3 provides the latest updates to the 2007 Microsoft Office Suite. This update also applies to Microsoft Office Project, Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer, Microsoft Office Visio, and Visual Web Developer.

System requirements

Supported operating systems: Windows 7, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows XP

Top of pageTop of page


Note: IT professionals should refer to the IT professional resources section.

Installation instructions
If you have Microsoft Office 2007 System, do one of the following:

  • Use Microsoft Update (recommended). Microsoft Update consolidates updates provided by Windows Update and Office Update into one location and enables you to choose automatic delivery and installation of high-priority updates.

  • Use Office Update on the Office Online Web site. Office Update automatically detects Office and prompts you to install updates and service packs that bring Office programs up-to-date.

  • Install The 2007 Microsoft Office Suite Service Pack 3 (SP3). To do this, follow these steps:
    1. Download the .exe file by clicking on the Download button at the top of the page, and then save the file to your hard disk drive.
    2. It is recommended that you quit any programs you are running.

    3. In Windows Explorer, double-click the .exe file that you saved to your hard disk drive, and follow the instructions on the screen.

IT professional resources
IT professionals working in managed environments can find complete resources for deploying Office updates in an organization on the Office System Suites and Programs TechCenter.

The download for this update is available by clicking on the Download button at the top of the page. You can double-click the executable package to begin installation, or extract the patch files (MSP files) by using a command line. The command line and instructions are included in the Knowledge Base article Command line switches for Microsoft Self-Extractor packages (KB912203).

See the Microsoft Knowledge Base article Description of the The 2007 Microsoft Office Suite Service Pack 3 (SP3) for further information about this update.
Link Download:
File name Size
office2007sp3-kb2526086-fullfile-en-us.exe               351.9 MB Download
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