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Sejarah Singkat Karawang

Sekitar Abad XV Masehi, Agama Islam masuk ke Karawang yang dibawa oleh ulama besar Syeikh Hasanudin bin Yusup Idofi dari Champa yang terkenal dengan sebutan Syeikh Quro. Pada masa itu daerah Karawang sebagian besar masih merupakan hutan belantara dan berawa-rawa.
Keberadaan daerah Karawang yang telah dikenal sejak Kerajaan Pajajaran yang berpusat di Daerah Bogor, karena Karawang pada masa itu merupakan jalur lalu lintas yang sangat penting untuk menghubungkan Kerajaan Pakuan Pajajaran dengan Galuh Pakuan yang berpusat di Daerah Ciamis.
Luas Wilayah Kabupaten Karawang pada saat itu, tidak sama dengan luas Wilayah Kabupaten Karawang pada masa sekarang. Pada waktu itu luas Wilayah Kabupaten Karawang meliputi Bekasi, Purwakarta, Subang dan Karawang sendiri .
Setelah Kerajaan PaJajaran runtuh pada tahun 1579 Masehi, pada tahun 1580 Masehi berdiri Kerajaan Sumedanglarang sebagai penerus Kerajaan Pajajaran dengan Rajanya Prabu Geusan Ulun. Kerajaan Islam Sumedanglarang, pusat pemerintahannya di Dayeuhluhur dengan membawahi Sumedang, Galuh, Limbangan,Sukakerta dan Karawang.
Pada tahun 1608 Prabu Geusan Ulun wafat dan digantikan oleh putranya Ranggagempol Kusumahdinata. Pada masa itu di Jawa Tengah telah berdiri Kerajaan Mataram dengan Rajanya Sultan Agung (1613 - 1645). Salah satu cita-cita Sultan Agung pada masa pemerintahannya adalah dapat menguasai Pulau Jawa dan mengusir Kompeni (Belanda) dari Batavia.
Ranggagempol Kusumahdinata sebagai Raja Sumendanglarang masih mempunyai hubungan keluarga dengan Sultan Agung dan mengakui kekuasaan Mataram. Maka pada Tahun 1620, Ranggagempol Kusumahdinata menghadap ke Mataram dan menyerahkan kerajaan Sumedanglarang di bawah naungan Kerajaan Mataram.
Ranggagempol Kusumahdinata oleh Sultan Agung diangkat menjadi Bupati (Wadana) untuk tanah Sunda dengan batas-batas wilayah disebelah Timur Kali Cipamali, disebelah Barat Kali Cisadane, disebelah Utara Laut Jawa, dan disebelah Selatan Laut Kidul.
Pada Tahun 1624 Ranggagempol Kusumahdinata wafat, dan sebagai penggantinya Sultan Agung mengangkat Ranggagede, Putra Prabu Geusan Ulun
Ranggagempol II, putra Ranggagempol Kusumahdinata yang semestinya menerima tahta kerajaan, merasa disisihkan dan sakit hati. Kemudian beliau berangkat ke Banten untuk meminta bantuan Sultan Banten agar dapat menaklukkan Kerajaan Sumedanglarang dengan imbalan apabila berhasil, maka seluruh wilayah kekuasaan Sumedanglarang akan diserahkan kepada Banten.
Sejak itu banyak tentara Banten yang dikirim ke Karawang terutama di sepanjang Sungai Citarum, di bawah Pimpinan Sultan Banten bukan saja untuk memenuhi permintaan Ranggagempol II, Tetapi merupakan awal usaha Banten untuk menguasai Karawang sebagai persiapan merebut kembali pelabuhan Banten yang telah dikuasai oleh Kompeni (Belanda), yaitu pelabuhan Sunda Kelapa.
Masuknya tentara Banten ke Karawang beritanya telah sampai ke Mataram. Pada Tahun 1624, Sultan Agung mengutus Surengrono (Aria Wirasaba) dari Mojo Agung, Jawa Timur untuk berangkat ke Karawang dengan membawa 1000 Prajurit dengan keluarganya, dari Mataram melalui Banyumas dengan tujuan untuk membebaskan Karawang dari pengaruh Banten, mempersiapkan logistik dengan membangun gudang-gudang beras dan meneliti rute penyerangan Mataram ke Batavia.
Langkah awal yang dilakukan Aria Surengrono adalah dengan mendirikan 3 (tiga) Desa yaitu Waringinpitu (Telukjambe), Desa Parakansapi (di Kecamatan Pangkalan yang sekarang telah terendam Waduk Jatiluhur) dan Desa Adiarsa (Sekarang ternlasuk di Kecamatan Karawang Barat), dengan pusat kekuatan di ditempatkan di Desa Waringinpitu.
Karena jauh dan sulitnya hubungan antara Karawang dengan Mataram, Aria Wirasaba belum sempat melaporkan tugas yang sedang dilaksanakan kepada Sultan Agung. Keadaan ini menjadikan Sultan Agung mempunyai angqapan bahwa tuqas yang diberikan kepada Aria Wirasaba gagal dilaksanakan.
Demi menjaga keselamatan Wilayah Kerajaan Mataram sebelah barat, pada tahun 1628 dan 1629, bala tentara Kerajaan Mataram diperintahkan Sultan Agung untuk melakukan penyerangan terhadap VOC (Belanda) di Batavia. Namun serangan ini gagal disebabkan keadaan medan yang sangat berat. Sultan Agung kemudian menetapkan Daerah Karawang sebagai pusat logistik yang harus mempunyai pemerintahan sendiri dan langsung berada dibawah pengawasan Mataram serta harus dipimpin oleh seorang pemimpin yang cakap dan ahli perang sehingga mampu menggerakkan masyarakat untuk membangun pesawahan guna mendukung pengadaan logistik dalam rencana penyerangan kembali terhadap VOC (belanda) di Batavia.
Pada tahun 1632, Sultan Agung mengutus kembali Wiraperbangsa Sari Galuh dengan membawa 1.000 prajurit dengan keluarganya menuju Karawang. Tujuan pasukan yang dipimpin oleh Wiraperbangsa adalah membebaskan Karawang dari pengaruh Banten, mempersiapkan logistik sebagai bahan persiapan melakukan penyerangan terhadap VOC (Belanda) di Batavia, sebagaimana halnya tugas yang diberikan kepada Aria Wirasaba yang dianggap gagal.
Tugas yang diberikan kepada Wiraperbangsa dapat dilaksanakan dengan baik dan hasilnya langsung dilaporkan kepada Sultan Agung. Atas keberhasilannya Wiraperbangsa oleh Sultan Agung dianugrahi jabatan Wedana (Setingkat Bupati) di Karawang dan diberi gelar Adipati Kertabumi III serta diberi hadiah sebilah keris yang bernama "Karosinjang".
Setelah penganugrahan gelar tersebut yang dilakukan di Mataram, Wiraperbangsa bermaksud akan segera kembali ke Karawang, namun sebelumnya beliau singgah dahulu ke Galuh untuk menjenguk keluarganya.Atas takdir IIlahi Beliau kemudian wafat saat berada di Galuh.
Setelah Wiraperbangsa Wafat, Jabatan Bupati di Karawang dilanjutkan oleh putranya yang bernama Raden Singaperbangsa dengan gelar Adipati Kertabumi IV yang memerintah pada tahun 1633-1677.
Pada abad XVII kerajaan terbesar di Pulau Jawa adalah Mataram, dengan raja yang terkenal yaitu Sultan Agung Hanyokrokusumo. la tidak menginginkan wilayah Nusantara diduduki atau dijajah oleh bangsa lain dan ingin mempersatukan Nusantara.
Dalam upaya mengusir VOC yang telah menanamkan kekuasaan di Batavia, Sultan Agung mempersiapkan diri dengan terlebih dahulu menguasai daerah Karawang, untuk dijadikan sebagai basis atau pangkal perjuangan dalam menyerang VOC.
Ranggagede diperintahnya untuk mempersiapkan bala tentara/prajurit dan logistik dengan membuka lahan-Iahan pertanian, yang kemudian berkembang menjadi lumbung padi
Tanggal 14 September 1633 Masehi, bertepatan dengan tanggal 10 Maulud 1043 Hijriah, Sultan Agung melantik Singaperbangsa sebagai Bupati Karawang yang pertama, sehingga secara tradisi setiap tanggal 10 Maulud diperingati sebagai Hari Jadi Kabupaten Karawang.
Berawal dari sejarah tersebut dan perjuangan persiapan proklamasi kemerdekaan RI, Karawang lebih dikenal dengan julukan sebagai kota pangkal perjuangan dan daerah lumbung padi Jawa Barat.
Sumber :

Sothink Logo Maker Professional 4.4 Build 4595(free Full)

Sothink Logo Maker Professional  4.4 Build 4595

Sothink Logo Maker Professional 4.4 Build 4595 
| 33.0 MB

Sothink Logo Maker is an easy-to-use logo creator. Creates professional & unique logo designs for web or print without any graphic design experiences & color matching skills. With various embedded resources, you can easily make high-quality company logo, business logo, web signature, button, icon, etc. It lets you start logo design for web or print from fancy logo templates, and then make full customization to logo appearance. Sothink Logo Maker offers all essential resources and enables you to finish a great logo in just 3 minutes. To conveniently get a professional looking, master-class auto color matching and exquisite one-click text/graphics effects are provided. Instant preview is available in all logo design operations. Rich output formats: JPG, BMP, PNG, TIFF and SVG. Send Email to share your logo directly.

Easy-to-Use Logo Creator:
• Fashion ribbon menu style interface icon new
• Create a professional and unique company logo, banner, header, icon and signature for your website, blog, forum, email in minutes
• Require no graphic design experience or color matching skills
• Provide 340+ logo templates of seven categories – Business, Fashion, LetterBased, Technology, Organization, Badge and Festivalicon new
• Export your logo to different dimensions suitable for web or print, in JPG, TIFF, PNG (with transparent background), BMP or SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) format as needed
• Support printing logos and specifying necessary print settings

Unique Design Experience of Logo Maker:
• Offer 680+ well-chosen color schemes, filtered by color or category
• Apply cool effects like gradient, shadow, bevel, glow, reflection, outline or hollow to graphics or text just by one click in the Effects panel
• Use the Copy Effect & Color tool to copy all the effect and color properties of one element on the canvas to another
• Replace an image with another, with color and effects remained
• Enable the “Snapping to object” and “Snapping to gird” options to align logo elements on the canvas

Design Logo with Rich Resources:
• Offer 3,860+ vector graphics of 33 categories, the elements can be searched by keyword
• Provide 40+ stylish text fonts and 6 waved text effects
• System fonts will be automatically imported once they are installed on your computer
• Import images of JPG, PNG, GIF or BMP format
• Import Flash SWF resources and extract vector graphic to use as logo image

Powerful Edit and Custom Capability:
• Instant preview for setting colors & effects, replacing logo images, rotating /moving /zooming /cropping objects, etc.
• Access the tools like Horizontal Mirror, Vertical Mirror, Opacity directly on the toolbar
• Customize your own colors (Solid/Linear Gradient/Radical Gradient) or filters (Shadow, Bevel, Glow and Reflection) for graphics or text
• Use Color Picker on the Colors panel to apply any color from the screen to your logo

What’s new in Sothink Logo Maker Professional 4.4 Build 4595:

New Features:
* Add Arabic language interface.
* Add several new templates.
Fixed bugs:
* Cannot save the authoring file properly when using free built-in fonts.
* Incorrect translation of German language
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Pasword : putrasunda 

PrivaZer 1.8.1 (Free Full)

PrivaZer 1.8.1

PrivaZer 1.8.1 | 9.4 Mb

PrivaZer - a program that is designed to ensure the protection of personal data. It scans your hard disk for which data were on it after conventional treatment optimizers. You can then view the data and found to remove them completely, permanently. The program shows the tracks left in the process of surfing the Web, CD burning, the use of IM-clients. Also analyzes the "Start" menu, memory, registry.

Additional Information:
The program has unique abilities to clean Windows computer of unnecessary files. With built-in depth scan is truly a complete analysis of the entire system, including secondary storage, external drives and storage devices attached to the computer of any kind. Theapplication has a special module, permanently delete files and inverse function - recover deleted files. In-depth mode displays a list of items scanned. Some folders can be excluded from treatmentApplication deletes the following files from the master file system table, log calls to the file system of Cookies, from the file registry Index.dat, system history, the history of IM, download manager and many other components.Application is able to perform a complete erasure of files from the drive without the rest and recovery. Despite the great number of similar programs, this package is one of the best in its class. He has those features that are not even in expensive commercial software (such as a low-level file system cleaning). 

v1.8.1 (17 March 2013) 
- Fixed bug of v1.8 : 
Time remaining calculation
- Improved prefetch cleanup
- Improved Chrome cleanup
- Improved cleanups :
. StreamMRU 
smart cleanup of invalid entries
smart cleanup of dates
. LastVisitedPidlMRULegacy 
. FirstFolder

- New features :

. display of remaining time for MFT/FAT 
and free space cleanups
. "skip" MFT/FAT cleanup
. "skip" free space cleanup

- Improved UI
- Improved "additional folders" cleanup 
- Improved CPU usage of programs calculation at PrivaZer's startup
- Improved Express Setup 
. your last choices are displayed now
. Prefetch options added

- Improved language :
. Hungarian
. Dutch
- New languages added :
. Hebrew
. Japanese
. Catalan
. Slovenian
. Lithuanian
. Danish
. Serbian
. Croatian
. Latvian

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Pasword : putrasunda 

ImTOO Blu-ray Creator 2 v2.0.4(Free Full)

ImTOO Blu-ray Creator 2 v2.0.4 
S 32.11 MB | WinXP/Vista/7 | NFO
Create Blu-ray to burn various videos to Blu-ray discs and AVCHD DVDs

ImTOO Blu-ray Creator is an easy to use editor that will help you transform your AVI collection into a Blu-Ray. You can burn various video formats including HD camcorder videos straight onto Blu-ray (BD-R, BD-RE, BD-25, BD-50) and AVCHD DVDs (DVD-5, DVD-9, DVD-R, DVD + R, DVD-RW, DVD + RW, DVD + R DL, DVD-R DL).
This Blu-ray burner supports most video formats including HD camcorder videos (MTS, M2TS, TS), AVI, MP4, MKV, DV, MPEG, QuickTime Video (MOV, QT), Real Video (RM, RMVB), DivX, H.264/AVC, XviD, WMV, ASF, DAT, FLV, VOB and 3GP.
Now you can enjoy almost any video format in maximum 1080p resolution on your Blu-ray player, PS3 and many other devices.

Write your videos to various DVD types: DVD-5, DVD-9, DVD-R, DVD + R, DVD-RW, DVD + RW, DVD + R DL and DVD-R DL.
Supports BDMV and AVCHD output high definition in several resolutions: 1280 × 720p, 1440 × 1080, 1440 × 1080i, 1920 × 1080i and 1920 × 1080.
Preview the original and edited video simultaneously with the built-in player.
Provides DVD menu templates in different styles rich for easy DVD menu creation Blu-ray.
Enter technology NVIDIA CUDA acceleration to improve performance in creating Blu-ray discs on any PC with CUDA enabled GPU.
Supports multi-core CPU for maximum conversion speed to convert videos to HD movies Blu-ray.
Take snapshots of your favorite scenes while previsualizas and saves them as JPG, PNG or BMP.
Set the writing speed, zoom mode, and number of copies to burn.
Multiple themes and multilingual interfaces to choose from: English, German, French, German, Italian. Spanish, Chinese and Japanese

OS: Microsoft ® Windows XP (SP2 or later), Windows Vista, Windows 7
Processor: 1GHz Intel / AMD processor or above
RAM: 512MB RAM (1024MB or above recommended)
Hard Disk Space: 50MB for installation (10GB or more for temporary files)
Graphics Card: Super VGA (1024 × 768) resolution, 16-bit graphics card or higher
Additional Information: Windows Media Player 9 or above, DirectX 9 or above
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Pasword : putrasunda 

OnlineTV DC 16.03.2013 (Free Full)

OnlineTV DC 16.03.2013 + Portable
OnlineTV DC 16.03.2013  | 13.6/10.4 Mb

OnlineTV is more than one radio recorder. Take your favorite music and completely legal TV streaming TV channels on the Internet. onlineTV automatically takes hundreds of music tracks and stores it either as MP3, OGG, WAV, WMA or ASF file. Edit your recorded tracks and then with the audio editor and burn you them best on a music CD or copy it to mobile devices such as PDA or iPod, and of course all in one program!

But onlineTV is not limited to the recording function. Choose between hundreds of Musikvideo's your favorite song. Listen to your local stations such as for example Radio NDR2 or radio FFH directly over the computer. Read the latest news of your daily newspaper ... from any point on Earth!

With the Podcast managers can select from a directory of interesting podcasts and subscribe so that they are regularly downloaded from the Internet to the hard drive. Here they can then be played directly or with copy music 2 go on mobile devices such as iPod.

Receive TV on your connected TV card and record the program on request. With the streaming server, you can make friends, even the seen as a media player live streaming.

onlineTV ... here you have it first!

Main features:

- Choose from thousands of Internet radio
- Audio & Video Recording imMP3, OGG, WAV, WMA or ASF format
- Separates the recording into individual tracks automatically to
- Contains more than 1000 "normal" radio stations and TV stations such as Local radio stations
- About the command center quickly access all the tools
- Traffic control, ideally for DSL volume tariffs
- Timer function to set a defined time automatically incorporated
- Converts music files to another format (MP3, OGG, WMA)
- Professional audio editor for editing and fine tuning
- Burns music files directly on music or data CD's
- The CD Ripper audio CD's created from a flash MP3, OGG or WMA files (with title recognition)
- Music 2 go copy music files directly to USB flash drive, iPod, PDA or PSP (PlayStation Portable)
- The Podcast Manager allows you to select any number of interesting podcasts from a directory and subscribe to this
- Powerful music management
- Interchangeable skins surface thanks
- Supports all popular TV Card (Optional, no condition)
- With the help of the streaming server which can be seen as a media player stream friends provide.

Link Download
Pasword : putrasunda 

CollageIt Pro v1.9.3(Free Full)

CollageIt Pro v1.9.3
8.30 MB | Microsoft Windows 2000, XP, 2003, VISTA or Windows7/8 

Create photo collages automatically

CollageIt is a collage maker fun and easy to use, specially designed to help you design digital photo collages to share with friends and family.
With this collage program, you can make photo collages in minutes with a few clicks - whether you're just starting or have created collages for years. CollageIt lets you transform special pictures into precious memories.

Generates collages automatically:
Click the button "Generate Preview", CollageIt will create photo collage automatically according to parameters without any manual adjustment and photos added.
Ease of Use:
Easy enough for users of all experience levels. The collage will be nice for just a few mouse clicks.
Only 3 steps:
3 steps to make a collage: add photo -> set parameters and generate preview -> save collage as image file.
Provides enhanced features and functionality to create diverse types of collage:
Supports creating collage with few photos to 100 photos. The "Auto rotation mode" and "sparse mode" make the collage more varied.
Real-time preview, super speed:
You preview the final collage in one second.
Variable parameters:
Number of photos, photo space, frame, shadow, page margin, auto rotation mode, sparse mode, page size and background setup
Save and share collage:
Save the collage in common image formats such as BMP, JPEG, PNG, TGA, TIF, etc.. to share with friends and family. 

Link Download
Pasword : putrasunda 


Diupload pada 11 Jan 2012

Free Download avast! 8

The all-new avast! 8
has arrived

Compare and download your protection for 2013

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Free Antivirus
Internet Security
yes Blocks viruses & spyware yes
yes Allows assistance from a geek friend yes

Secures shopping & banking yes

Runs risky programs safely yes

Blocks hacker attacks yes

Secures personal data yes

Stops annoying SPAM yes

Blocks phishing scams yes

avast! Premier – Get our best!

All the features of Internet Security and more: keeps your most important programs updated automatically, gives you advanced privacy tools, and allows you to access your PC while you are away.
Learn more or Compare features in detail
avast! Internet Security

avast! Internet Security – Our best-selling software

With technologies like SafeZone™, Sandbox, Firewall, and Antispam, Internet Security protects you during online activities like shopping, banking, and surfing well-known or risky websites. Plus, it secures your PC against hackers and SPAM.
Learn more
Pro Antivirus Image

avast! Pro Antivirus – Customizable protection

Antivirus and anti-spyware with a few more online safety features, for those who already have a firewall and anti-spam.
Learn more
avast! Free Antivirus

avast! Free Antivirus – World's most popular antivirus

Great for normal browsing, it frequently outranks competitors' paid-for suites in independent tests.

Avast PRO Antivirus 2013 v8.0.1482 Final

Avast PRO Antivirus 2013 v8.0.1482 Final Inc Serial Key | 136.1 MB

avast! Pro Antivirus software provides complete virus protection for your computer. Antivirus engine is complemented by anti-spyware, firewall and antispam modules to protect you against phishing schemes, identity

theft and internet-distributed web viruses.
Automatic updates for greater user convenience and safety. Top user ratings among free antivirus software. The new avast! Free Antivirus includes a spyware detection engine. To protect you from identity theft as well as viruses. avast! Pro Antivirus ??ÃŽ“Ç£ better protection during web surfing. Full-featured antivirus software. Better than our free antivirus, especially for web surfing, but without the firewall and antispam included in avast! Internet Security. Also if you wish to customize your security, this is the recommended software.

Continuous protection against viruses and spyware
Ensures all mails sent and received are clean
Keeps you protected from "chat??? infections
Stops attacks from hijacked websites
Lets you safely browse suspicious websites or run unknown applications
Allows safe and uninterrupted gaming
Compatible with Windows XP, Vista and 7
New user interface

Key technologies:
Improved Antivirus and anti-spyware engine
New avast! Intelligent Scanner
New Silent/Gaming Mode
New Behavior Shield
New avast! Sandbox
Smart virus updates
Real time anti-rootkit protection
avast! Community IQ
Behavioral Honeypots
Green computing
avast! iTrack
File System / Mail Shield
Web Shield
IM / P2P Shield
Network Shield
Script Shield

Works on Microsoft Windows 2003, Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7 (32/64 bit), Windows 8

Install Notes :-

1. Unrar app
2. Install app
3. Supply given Lic file
Link Download
Pasword : putrasunda 

Revo Uninstaller Professional v3.0.1 (Free Full)

Revo Uninstaller Professional v3.0.1 Multilanguage
  | 16.7 MB | WinXP/Vista/7/8
Your system clean as a whistle with this utility to uninstall programs
Revo Uninstaller Pro offers an efficient way to globalize all modules uninstalling your programs in one window. A utility uninstalls specializes in but also help you optimize Windows startup and delete temporary files.
With Revo Uninstaller Pro you can list all the programs installed on your system and uninstall from a single window. Also, if for any reason the uninstall gives errors, the program allows you to force deletion of records.
But Revo Uninstaller Pro is not limited to uninstall programs. His two additional functions to help you optimize Windows startup, defining the programs you want to start at the beginning, and keep your hard drive free of unnecessary files, looking for temporary, corrupt or duplicate.
Best of show, is how easy it is to handle. All the functions are organized into different categories and identified with very descriptive icons. This way, you can immediately locate the function you need at all times.
Fast, efficient, stable and free. Ultimately, Revo Uninstaller Pro is an ideal tool to keep your system in perfect condition.
Recent Changes
February 8, 2013
Revo Uninstaller Pro version 3

All Programs Module

Added - Integration Between All Programs, Programs and Traced Logs Database uninstall modules for the best results
Added - Details Panel with information about the details of the selected program in Icon view
Added - search option by company name and comment
Added - Additional column in Details View - Type (32-bit or 64-bit)
Added - Quick Uninstall That Allows faster uninstall command of one or many programs
Added - Pop-up Tooltip With The details of the program hovered in Icon View
Added - Possibility to export data to HTML leftover
Added - Change \ Repair command for the Appropriate MSI installations
Added - Change icon command
Added - Add / Change command comment
Improved - Scanning for leftovers algorithms
Improved - Detection of programs' icons and installation paths
Traced Module Programs

Added - Details Panel with information about the details of the selected log in Icon view
Added - Additional columns in Details View - Registry Items, Files and Folders, Imported, Comment
Added - Export command to export existing logs in own. Ruel format
Added - Import command in improt to imported logs. Ruel format
Added - Possibility to rename a log
Added - Edit Log command That Allows editing and export the log data in HTML
Added - Pop-up Tooltip With The details of the hovered log in Icon View
Added - Possibility to uninstall multiple logs at once
Improved - Speed ​​of parsing logs and uninstalling
Backup Manager

Added - Possibility to delete many older restore points based on date or time period
Junk Files Cleaner

Added - Support to Removable Drives
Added - Possibility to scan only a special folder for junk files
Improved - Options - additional extension and few junk folders excluded
AutoRun Manager

Added - Listing of auto-starting Windows Services with options to enable \ disable them
Windows Tools

Added - Windows Backup and Restore Tool
Added - Tool Task Scheduler
Added - Check Disk Tool
Added - System File Checker Tool
Windows Cleaner

Added - Option - Thumbnail cache of Cleaning
Evidence Remover

Added - Notification of the remaining time till the end of the executing operation
Unrecoverable Delete


Added - New Module Database Logs - Logs Database of Constantly growing from Revo Uninstaller Pro prepared team ready for uninstall logs of user's programs
Added - Keyboard accelerators for important commands and tools
Added - Option to forcibly stop running executable files During Their uninstall
Added - Splitters wizards for all windows
Added - New more reliable Registration \ Activation algorithm of the program
Added - New default visual theme - Blue 2
Added - Possibility to build and use your own custom theme with a main color and a color selection
Improved - User Interface of the Installation Monitoring Module - Revo AppBar
Improved - Many minor and user interface improvements and optimizations
Link Download
Pasword : putrasunda 
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