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Free download Anvi Smart Defender 1.8

Anvi Smart Defender 1.8

At this moment there are many great solution in the antivirus segment on the market but we need to say that Anvi Smart Defender certainly deserves to compete with the best. We are able to see everyday additions to this software category and many of those additions are not good enough to remove most of the infected files and neither manage to remove quite obvious problems. Since your computer safety is at first place we need to say that there is a need for caution when choosing antivirus solution for your system. Anvi Smart Defender has been released just recently but we have seen the effectiveness of this tool and we can say that it is of high quality. Not much time has passed since this application was in a project state and as a Beta version to the Release Candidate version and finally to the release form that we have here.
Most users will use this software solution as a helper to the antivirus that is already installed on the system and that is where Anvi Smart Defender shows how good it is. Final version offers quite similar engine like Malwarebytes Anti Malware and you will be able to integrate this tool to already existing antivirus and make it a real good help to keep your system clean and safe.
Since the release of the `stable` iteration of the program, it became more hungry to be instated as the primary antivirus solution on your system. That’s why a fair number of users start complaining about Anvi Smart Defender’s brutal approach towards computer resources. By slowing down your OS, it’s more likely to produce that kind of experience comparable to system infestation than providing the safe environment it brags about.
Interface we are getting is of high quality and will certainly immediately persuade users that it is a high quality tool. Quite similar to other applications in this category Anvi Smart Defender will also show many false positives so you need to be sure that reported file really is what this application reports.
What it brings to the table is a Scan module with Quick, Full and Custom profiles, a Cloud Scan section to upload your files to scan servers on the Internet as well as a Guard zone with multiple options referring to Privacy, Startup, Process, Behavior or Files. It also packs optimization features with temporary and junk files clean up, unused or old registry entries removal, privacy and surfing trace sweeping, freeing up RAM or performing disk defragmentation.
With all these features that we are getting in this software solution we can easily say that this is an application that can be used as a primary antivirus and not only as a side kick for other already available and reliable apps on the market.
Size: ~ 28 MB
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