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WYSIWYG Web Builder v8.5.5 (Free Full)

WYSIWYG Web Builder v8.5.5
10.86 MB | Windows 8 / Windows 7 / Vista / XP | NFO
The easiest way to create your personal website without knowing HTML
With WYSIWYG Web Builder you can easily create a standard website without any knowledge of HTML.
This is a utility aimed at users with less experience in this type of work, is reminiscent coming HTML editor integrated with Windows (FrontPage Express) and includes all the tools you need to design and publish your personal website.
The program gives you complete freedom when it comes to "place" on the web the various elements that comprise it, just create them (area of ​​text, images, tables, links, forms, Flash, etc..) And put them where you want, distributing over the surface of the web with a simple mouse movement. More advanced users can also edit and insert HTML code as needed.
You can also introduce extra elements as fragments of JavaScript ready to use images "roll-over" or even color the browser scrollbars.
Once you have your website finished, you can publish it using the FTP client in WYSIWYG Web Builder.
Here are some key features of "WYSIWYG Web Builder":
No HTML knowledge needed!
Drag and drop objects from the toolbox on the page: text, lines, images, tents and tables
Site Administration. Add, edit, clone and structure your web pages easily from a single file
Menus, toolbars, keyboard accelerators, dockable windows, tabs, customizable windows hidden automatically
Form layout object to create forms, including actions, hidden fields etc..
It supports form field: edit box, text area, checkbox, radio button, combo box and button
Form Wizard to create form in 4 steps. Select a dozen ways to use lists
Purpose of CAPTCHA for forms (PHP). Helps to stop spammers from automatically submit form data
Rich text support: text object can contain different fonts, colors, links and sizes
Custom HTML object to insert your own HTML or JavaScripts
JAVA, Flash, Windows Media, Youtube, Flash Video, QuickTime, Real Audio and other compatible plugins
Publish your entire web site, a single page or a group of pages (to local drive or a web server)
Built Creator photo galleries, with many cool features like picture frames
Built Creator flags
Images rolled (that change color or shape when the pointer moves over them)
Bulleted Lists: Circle, Disc, Square, Numeric (1, 2, 3), alphabetical (a, b, c), Roman (I, II, III) and custom images
Customize the colors of the scroll bar for Microsoft Internet Explorer
Navigation bars, tab menus, sliding menus and navigation options
Javascripts ready to use
Compatibility templates. Already more than 100 templates available
Slide component
Compatibility with third-party add-ons (extensions), using the Web Builder Extension Generator
Import existing HTML pages
Hyperlink Style Sheet, to customize the colors and formatting of hyperlinks
Integrated support popups
Displays optional rules and guide rules
Page transitions in Page Properties
Menu bar menu script that can mimic potent complex menus found in popular GUI applications
Shape object (Rectangle, Ellipse, Diamond, Hexagon, Octagon, Parallelogram, Triangle, Trapezoid, Arrows, Flag, Flower, Heart, Signs, Stars, speech bubbles and more)
Master object. This allows you to reuse objects from other pages (master page concept)
Layer Object for advanced layout possibilities
Validation tools for form components: edit box, combo box and text area
Rotation for shapes and images
Ability to group / ungroup objects
Image tools: Contrast, brightness, hue / saturation, flip, rotate, resample, cuts and stencils
Image effects: grayscale, negative, sepia, blur, smooth, sharpen, noise, emboss and more
Drawing tools: Line, Line + Arrows, Scribble, Polygon, Curve and Closed Curve
Picture frames / border styles photo gallery
Controls pictures, shapes and form have a new page of events, to easily add actions to object events
The eCommerce tools PayPal are the quickest and easiest way to add e-commerce functionality to your web site
RSS Feed object with podcast option
Blog with built-in RSS feed option
Built-in FTP Client to manage your online files
Sitemaps generator supports Google
Clip art, this object uses vignette sources and converts vector shapes
TextArt object which can be used to create amazing logos, banners or headers
SiteTree Object to show an overview of the website (site map)
Password protection for tools / logon page
Unique system extension (add) with a lot of extensions to make Web Builder even more powerful
Already more than 250 extensions available

  Recent Changes
02/18/2013 - Version 8.5.5

Fixed: Import from another project mixes up stacked layers.
Improved: Import from another project resets master page references, Because They are not invalid Within the context of another project.
Improved: Error Reports now includes the name of the file in filename related errors. 
Link Download
Pasword : putrasunda 


Kanjuruhan adalah sebuah kerajaan bercorak Hindu di Jawa Timur, yang pusatnya berada di dekat Kota Malang sekarang. Kanjuruhan diduga telah berdiri pada abad ke-6 Masehi (masih sezaman dengan Kerajaan Taruma di sekitar Bekasi dan Bogor sekarang). Bukti tertulis mengenai kerajaan ini adalah Prasasti Dinoyo. Rajanya yang terkenal adalah Gajayana. Peninggalan lainnya adalah Candi Badut dan Candi Wurung.

Latar belakang

Jaman dahulu, ketika Pulau Jawa diperintah oleh raja-raja yang tersebar di daerah-daerah. Raja Purnawarman memerintah di Kerajaan Tarumanegara; Maharani Shima memerintah di Kerajaan Kalingga (atau "Holing"); dan Raja Sanjaya memerintah di Kerajaan Mataram Kuno. Di Jawa Timur terdapat pula sebuah kerajaan yang aman dan makmur. Kerajaan itu berada di daerah Malang sekarang, di antara Sungai Brantas dan Sungai Metro, di dataran yang sekarang bernama Dinoyo, Merjosari, Tlogomas, dan Ketawanggede Kecamatan Lowokwaru . Kerajaan itu bernama Kanjuruhan.

Bagaimana Kerajaan Kanjuruhan itu bisa berada dan berdiri di lembah antara Sungai Brantas dan Kali Metro di lereng sebelah timur Gunung Kawi, yang jauh dari jalur perdagangan pantai atau laut? Kita tentunya ingat bahwa pedalaman Pulau Jawa terkenal dengan daerah agraris, dan di daerah agraris semacam itulah muncul pusat-pusat aktivitas kelompok masyarakat yang berkembang menjadi pusat pemerintahan. Rupa-rupanya sejak awal abad masehi, agama Hindu dan Budha yang menyebar di seluruh kepulauan Indonesia bagian barat dan tengah, pada sekitar abad ke VI dan VII M sampai pula di daerah pedalaman Jawa bagian timur, antara lain Malang. Karena Malang-lah kita mendapati bukti-bukti tertua tentang adanya aktivitas pemerintahan kerajaan yang bercorak Hindu di Jawa bagian timur.

Bukti itu adalah prasasti Dinoyo yang ditulis pada tahun Saka 682 (atau kalau dijadikan tahun masehi ditambah 78 tahun, sehingga bertepatan dengan tahun 760 M). Disebutkan seorang raja yang bernama Dewa Singha, memerintah keratonnya yang amat besar yang disucikan oleh api Sang Siwa. Raja Dewa Singha mempunyai putra bernama Liswa, yang setelah memerintah menggantikan ayahnya menjadi raja bergelar Gajayana. Pada masa pemerintahan Raja Gajayana, Kerajaan Kanjuruhan berkembang pesat, baik pemerintahan, sosial, ekonomi maupun seni budayanya. Dengan sekalian para pembesar negeri dan segenap rakyatnya, Raja Gajayana membuat tempat suci pemujaan yang sangat bagus guna memuliakan Resi Agastya. Sang raja juga menyuruh membuat arca sang Resi Agastya dari batu hitam yang sangat elok, sebagai pengganti arca Resi Agastya yang dibuat dari kayu oleh nenek Raja Gajayana.
Dibawah pemerintahan Raja Gajayana, rakyat merasa aman dan terlindungi. Kekuasaan kerajaan meliputi daerah lereng timur dan barat Gunung Kawi. Ke utara hingga pesisir laut Jawa. Keamanan negeri terjamin. Tidak ada peperangan. Jarang terjadi pencurian dan perampokan, karena raja selalu bertindak tegas sesuai dengan hukum yang berlaku. Dengan demikian rakyat hidup aman, tenteram, dan terhindar dari malapetaka.
Raja Gajayana hanya mempunyai seorang putri, yang oleh ayahnya diberi nama Uttejana. Seorang putri kerajaan pewaris tahta Kerajaan Kanjuruhan. Ketika dewasa, ia dijodohkan dengan seorang pangeran dari Paradeh bernama Pangeran Jananiya. Akhirnya Pangeran Jananiya bersama Permaisuri Uttejana, memerintah kerajaan warisan ayahnya ketika sang Raja Gajayana mangkat. Seperti leluhur-leluhurnya, mereka berdua memerintah dengan penuh keadilan. Rakyat Kanjuruhan semakin mencintai rajanya Demikianlah, secara turun-temurun Kerajaan Kanjuruhan diperintah oleh raja-raja keturunan Raja Dewa Singha. Semua raja itu terkenal akan kebijaksanaannya, keadilan, serta kemurahan hatinya.
Pada sekitar tahun 847 Masehi, Kerajaan Mataram Kuno di Jawa Tengah diperintah oleh Sri Maharaja Rakai Pikatan Dyah Saladu. Raja ini terkenal adil dan bijaksana. Dibawah pemerintahannyalah Kerajaan Mataram berkembang pesat, kekuasaannya sangat besar. Ia disegani oleh raja-raja lain diseluruh Pulau Jawa. Keinginan untuk memperluas wilayah Kerajaan Mataram Kuna selalu terlaksana, baik melalui penaklukan maupun persahabatan. Kerajaan Mataram Kuna terkenal di seluruh Nusantara, bahkan sampai ke mancanegara. Wilayahnya luas, kekuasaannya besar, tentaranya kuat, dan penduduknya sangat banyak.
Perluasan Kerajaan Mataram Kuna itu sampai pula ke Pulau Jawa bagian timur. Tidak ada bukti atau tanda bahwa terjadi penaklukan dengan peperangan antara Kerajaan Mataram Kuna dengan Kerajaan Kanjuruhan. Ketika Kerajaan Mataram Kuna diperintah oleh Sri Maharaja Rakai Watukura Dyah Balitung, raja Kerajaan Kanjuruhan menyumbangkan sebuah bangunan candi perwara (pengiring) di komplek Candi Prambanan yang dibangun oleh Sri Maharaja Rakai Pikatan tahun 856 M (dulu bernama “Siwa Greha”). Candi pengiring (perwara) itu ditempatkan pada deretan sebelah timur, tepatnya di sudut tenggara. Kegiatan pembangunan semacam itu merupakan suatu kebiasaan bagi raja-raja daerah kepada pemerintah pusat. Maksudnya agar hubungan kerajaan pusat dan kerajaan di daerah selalu terjalin dan bertambah erat.
Kerajaan Kanjuruhan saat itu praktis dibawah kekuasaan Kerajaan Mataram Kuna. Walaupun demikian Kerajaan Kanjuruhan tetap memerintah di daerahnya. Hanya setiap tahun harus melapor ke pemerintahan pusat. Di dalam struktur pemerintahan Kerajaan Mataram Kuna zaman Raja Balitung, raja Kerajaan Kanjuruhan lebih dikenal dengan sebutan Rakryan Kanuruhan, artinya “Penguasa daerah” di Kanuruhan. Kanuruhan sendiri rupa-rupanya perubahan bunyi dari Kanjuruhan. Karena sebagai raja daerah, maka kekuasaan seorang raja daerah tidak seluas ketika menjadi kerajaan yang berdiri sendiri seperti ketika didirikan oleh nenek moyangnya dulu. Kekuasaaan raja daerah di Kanuruhan dapat diketahui waktu itu adalah daerah lereng timur Gunung Kawi.

Kekuasaan Rakryan Kanjuruhan

Daerah kekuasaan Rakryan Kanuruhan watak Kanuruhan. Watak adalah suatu wilayah yang luas, yang membawahi berpuluh-puluh wanua (desa). Jadi mungkin daerah watak itu dapat ditentukan hampir sama setingkat kabupaten. Dengan demikian Watak Kanuruhan membawahi wanua-wanua (desa-desa) yang terhampar seluas lereng sebelah timur Gunung Kawi sampai lereng barat Pegunungan Tengger-Semeru ke selatan hingga pantai selatan Pulau Jawa.
Dari sekian data nama-nama desa (wanua) yang berada di wilayah (watak) Kanuruhan menurut sumber tertulis berupa prasasti yang ditemukan disekitar Malang adalah sebagai berikut :

  1. daerah Balingawan (sekarang Desa Mangliawan Kecamatan Pakis),
  2. daerah Turryan (sekarang Desa Turen Kecamatan Turen),
  3. daerah Tugaran (sekarang Dukuh Tegaron Kelurahan Lesanpuro),
  4. daerah Kabalon (sekarang Dukuh Kabalon Cemarakandang),
  5. daerah Panawijyan (sekarang Kelurahan Palowijen Kecamatan Blimbing),
  6. daerah Bunulrejo (yang dulu bukan bernama Desa Bunulrejo pada zaman Kerajaan Kanuruhan),
  7. dan daerah-daerah di sekitar Malang barat seperti : Wurandungan (sekarang Dukuh Kelandungan – Landungsari), Karuman, Merjosari, Dinoyo, Ketawanggede, yang di dalam beberapa prasasti disebut-sebut sebagai daerah tempat gugusan kahyangan (bangunan candi) di dalam wilayah/kota Kanuruhan.
Demikianlah daerah-daerah yang menjadi wilayah kekuasaan Rakryan Kanuruhan. Dapat dikatakan mulai dari daerah Landungsari (barat), Palowijen (utara), Pakis (timur), Turen (selatan). Keistimewaan pejabat Rakryan Kanuruhan ini disamping berkuasa di daerahnya sendiri, juga menduduki jabatan penting dalam pemerintahan Kerajaan Mataram Kuno sejak zaman Raja Balitung, yaitu sebagai pejabat yang mengurusi urusan administrasi kerajaan. Jabatan ini berlangsung sampai zaman Kerajaan Majapahit. Begitulah sekilas tentang Rakryan Kanuruhan. Penguasa di daerah tetapi dapat berperan di dalam struktur pemerintahan kerajaan pusat, yang tidak pernah dilakukan oleh pejabat (Rakyan) yang lainnya, dalam sejarah Kerajaan Mataram Kuno di masa lampau.
Sumber :


Kesultanan Jailolo secara utuh dari raja pertamanya “Kolano Daradjati”. Daftar sisilah raja-raja Jailolo tersebut terdiri dari tiga bagian. Lembaran besar adalah uraian daftar sisilah yang skemanya diuraikan seperti “pohon terbalik” yang seluruh tulisan nama-namanya beraksara Arab, satu lembar lagi adalah salinan ulang yang juga dalam aksara Arab namun lebih diperinci dan diperjelas dengan melingkari tiap-tiap nama yang tertera karena lembaran aslinya sudah hampir lapuk, sedangkan satu lagi lembar kecil bertuliskan huruf arab dan yang berlafadz-kan bahasa Tidore adalah Surat Keterangan yang manjelaskan tentang daftar sisilah tersebut.
Sdr. Abdullah “Abdul Rahman Haryanto” Syah dinobatkan menjadi Sultan Jailolo masa kini, para keturunan Sultan Doa yang tersebar di mana-mana yakni di Tidore (Soa Sambelo, Mareku dan Toloa), pulau Ternate (Dufa-Dufa), pulau Moti, pulau Makian dan di pulau Ambon sesuai alur dalam daftar sisilah tersebut, mereka seakan telah menutup diri untuk memikirkan “ke-Jailolo-an” nya. Bagi mereka itu semua adalah bagian dari masa lalu. Mungkin yang mereka pikirkan adalah; Cukup kami anak-cucu tahu bahwa nenek moyang kami memang berasal dari Jailolo, itu saja. Dan mungkin juga semboyan latin; “Ibi Bene Ubi Patria – yang berarti ; Dimana hidupku senang di situlah tanah airku” yang ada dalam pikiran mereka, Wallahu wa’lam. Hanya mereka yang tahu. Apalagi setelah dinobatkannya Sdr. Abdullah “Abdul Rahman Haryanto” Syah menjadi “symbol” kesultanan Jailolo modern, membuat ke-tertutup-an mereka semakin rapat. Mengingat hampir semua dari mereka tahu bahwa keturunan Sultan Doa hijrah ke pulau Tidore dan menjadi kawula kesultanan Tidore dan diberikan sebuah kawasan untuk membangun pemukiman (Soa Sambelo – Sabua ma belo) waktu itu adalah akibat dari pergolakan politik intern antar bangsawan di istana Jailolo ketika itu, beliau menyingkir meninggalkan takhtanya dengan tujuan menghindari perang saudara dan pertumpahan darah yang lebih dahsyat lagi yang bisa mengancam kelangsungan dan kehormatan Buldan Jailolo di Limau Tagalaya – Jailolo.
Muhammad Arif Bila (dalam sisilah tersebut ditulis Sultan Gugu Alam) adalah keturunan ke-8 dari Prins Gugu Alam. Prins Gugu Alam adalah nenek moyang keturunan kedelapan ke atas dari Sultan Gugu Alam alias Muhammad Arif Bila – Ada beberapa nama yang sama dalam sisilah ini, namun pada jenjang dan periode yang berbeda waktunya. Prins Gugu Alam adalah adalah adik bungsu dari Sultan Doa dan Prins Prentah. Mereka bertiga adalah anak dari Sultan Yusuf , Sultan Jailolo yang menjadi Sultan Jailolo di tanah Jailolo (Limau Tagalaya) sekitar tahun 1500-an, data tahun yang tepat belum bisa dipastikan.
Muhamad Arif Bila memiliki 4 orang putera. Ayah dari Muhamad Arif Bila yakni Syah Yusuf (lain dengan Sultan Yusuf yang ayahnya Sultan Doa, beda periode) adalah bangsawan Jailolo yang hijrah ke pulau Makian di desa Tahane. Muhammad Arif Bila sebelum diangkat oleh Sultan Nuku dari Tidore untuk manjadi Sultan Jailolo I (pada periode kedua sejarah kronologis kesultanan Jailolo) beliau sebelumnya menjabat sebagai Sangadji Tahane. Setelah itu selama sekitar 13 tahun jabatannya meningkat menjadi Jogugu kesultanan Tidore pada saat berkuasanya Sultan Kamaluddin dari Tidore (1784-1797) yang tidak lain adalah kakak dari Nuku. Ketika Nuku baru menjadi Sultan di Tidore Muhammad Arif Bila adalah seorang panglima yang handal.
Setelah Nuku mengangkat Muhamad Arif Bila menjadi Sultan Jailolo I (sebutan menurut catatan dari sumber Belanda), tidak semua orang di pulau Halmahera (Utara) mengakui keabsahan dia sebagai Sultan Jailolo, lagi pula mereka yang mengklaim dirinya sebagai Sultan Jailolo ini (sejak tahun 1637 hingga 1918 saat dibuang ke Cianjur) mereka tidak pernah berkuasa di atas tanah Jailolo itu sendiri, melainkan hanya menjadi Sultan Jailolo di pengasingan saja seperti di Weda dan Halmahera belakang termasuk juga di pulau Seram. 

TamoSoft SmartWhois v5.1.265 (Free Full)

TamoSoft SmartWhois v5.1.265 | 6.7 Mb

SmartWhois is a useful network information utility that allows you to look up all the available information about an IP address, hostname or domain, including country, state or province, city, name of the network provider, administrator and technical support contact information.

Who is the owner of the domain?
When was the domain registered and what is the owner's contact information?
Who is the owner of the IP address block?

With SmartWhois you can focus on your work; the program will unmistakably choose the right database from over 100 whois databases all over the world and fetch the most complete results within a few seconds. SmartWhois supports Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs), so you can query domain names that use non-English characters, like German umlauts, French accent grave, or fully consist of the letters from Chinese, Hebrew, Russian, and other alphabets. It also fully supports IPv6 addresses.


Smart operation: The program always looks up whois data in the right database; you don't have to waste your time trying them all.
Integration with Microsoft Internet Explorer and Microsoft Outlook. Look up domain owners and IP addresses in e-mail headers instantly!
Saving results into an archive: you can build your own database that can be viewed offline.
Batch processing of IP addresses or domain lists. Video Tour
Caching of obtained results.
Hostname resolution and DNS caching.
Integration with CommView Network Monitor: Can be accessed from CommView for quick, easy lookup.
Calling SmartWhois directly from your application. See SmartWhois FAQ.
Wildcard queries.
Whois console for custom queries.
Country code reference.
Customizable interface.
SOCKS5 firewall support
Link Download
Pasword : putrasunda 

BurnAware PRO v6.1 (Free Full )

BurnAware PRO v6.1
10.1 MB | English Incl
RECOMMENDED, simple and without complications, ideal for 99% of people
BurnAware is a simple program that records any data CD and DVD, audio, Blue-Ray, and can create disk images.
It supports the vast majority of writers, check the recorded disc, supports multisession formatted disks.
BurnAware Professional is the professional user's choice to burn CD / DVD / Blu-ray. It offers a wide scope of advanced functionality, allowing you to duplicate CDs and DVDs, make exact copies of photo albums, games, movies, pfrogramas, on your hard drive, and burn to multiple drives simultaneously.
Create data, bootable and multisession CD / DVD / Blu-ray
Create Audio CDs and jukebox CD / DVD / Blu-ray
Create DVD-Video
Create backup copies of CDs / DVDs
Create and burn disc images, boot images
Erase / Format rewritable discs
Supports all current hardware interfaces (IDE/SCSI/USB/1394/SATA)
Supports UDF/ISO9660/Joliet Bridged file systems (any combination)
Supports simultaneous image writing
Supports parallel erasing
Automatic verification of written files
Supports CD-Text
Multilingual, easy to use
Supports unicode for multi-byte languages
Compatible with Windows 8/7/NT/2000/XP/Vista (32 and 64 Bit)

Record one or more titles to multiple drives simultaneously
Allows commercial use
Allows duplicate discs or store them as ISO image on your hard drive
NOT contain spyware, adware, banners, etc ...
NO need to install. Net Framework or Service Packs
Based on the disc recording SDK, more stable and faster
Organized, multilingual, easy to use interface.

  History of Changes

BurnAware 6.1 (19-Mar-2013)

Burning engine has been updated.
Installer and translations Have Been updated.
Few improvements in user interface Have Been applied.
Improved data buffering During the burning process.
During the data transfer Optimized copying Audio CD to CUE image.
Optimized buffer usage During the copying from disc to disc.

Fixed the bug with verification of DVD-R/RW discs.
Fixed the bug with empty Data compilations writing.
Resolved the problems with burning DVDs with poor quality
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Pasword : putrasunda 

AnvSoft Photo Flash Maker Professional Version : 5.56(Free Full)

Name : AnvSoft Photo Flash Maker Professional
Version :  5.56
Languange : English
Medicine : Include - Keygen
OS Support : Xp/Vista/7/8
Password : No
Type File : Rar
Code File : a.p.f.m.professional.5.56
Updated : 3 March 2013
Publisher : anvsoft
Size : 39 Mb

With Photo Flash Maker Platinum, you can use your photos, flv videos and songs to create gorgeous flash slideshows in SWF format for watching on computer, burn the auto-run flash photoalbum to gift CD/DVD, build a web gallery with amazing flash slideshows with dynamic SWF + HTML + XML files, or upload the slideshows to our free web album Go2Album, and then embed the slideshows to MySpace, Blogger, Friendster and many other social networking websites.Photo Flash Maker Platinum allows you to add flv videos as slides. Photos and videos can be mixed in a flash album.

What can you add to flash slide shows
Images: JPG, TIFF, BMP and PNG images
Music: MP3, WMA , WAV songs, and sound tracks 
Video: FLV videos

* Can't add DRM protected music to flash slideshows? You may want to try NoteBurner Audio Converter. 
* Can't add other videos formats to flash slideshow? You may want to try Any Video Converter.

What can you get from Photo Flash Maker Platinum
Standalone photo flash with SWF file and HTML document
Dynamic photo flash with SWF file, HTML and XML documents
Video-embedded dynamic slideshow with SWF file, HTML and XML documents

How can you publish and share your video-photo-mixed slideshow
Present the gift CD/DVD to friends
Email the compression file (*.zip, *.rar, *.7z) of output folder to friends
Upload your flash to our free web album Go2Album for sharing
Embed the flash slide shows and video albums to web pages

The flash slide shows created by Photo Flash Maker Platinum can be embedded to:
Personal websites and organizational websites
eBay product description page
MySpace, Blogger, Windows Live Space, WordPress Blog, iGoogle Homepage, Bebo Profile, Orkut Scrapbook, and any other social networking websites blogs that support HTML

Making flash slideshows with Photo Flash Maker Platinum
1. Add music

MP3, WMA, WAV songs or CD sound track can be added to the slideshow. You can enable audio streaming if the flash is designed for website.
2. Add hyperlinks

Each photo in the slideshow can link to a target page or pop-out window.
3. Transitions, zooming and panning effect

You can choose from Random, Wipe from Left, Fade to White, Cross Expansion and other 60-plus transition effects. Zooming and panning effect is optional for advanced flash templates.
4. XML-driven

The advanced flash templates are XML-driven. The XML document allows more personalized controls over the flash.

Nonetheless, Photo Flash Maker creates XML-driven flash in a very straightforward way, even if you've never know what XML is, you can still use the advanced templates easily. And if you need to edit the XML document, we provide full instructions for doing so.
5. Dynamic customization

Besides XML control, the advanced templates provide many more custom options, so that you can create slideshow that fits into your existing web design: width , height, border color, background color, thumbnail size, etc. More about dynamic customization
6. Auto-playback and repeat mode

The flash slideshow will play automatically after preloading, and it can repeat playback.
7. Full screen mode

The advanced flash templates support full screen mode. Clicking the full screen icon at the corner of the slideshow can jump in and out of full screen mode.
8. Publish slideshow just about anywhere

When the flash sldieshow is created, you can save it on computer, burn gift CD/DVD, email it, upload to your web site, or upload to our free web album, and then add to MySpace, Blogger and many other social websites and blogs.

Link Download
Pasword : putrasunda 

10 Mayat Terkenal Sepanjang Massa

10. Hermann Goering
Pemimpin kedua setelah Hitler di Nazi, tewas bunuh diri di penjara, sebelum dieksekusi mati
9. Nicolae Ceausescu
Pada tanggal 25 Desember, Ceausescu dan isterinya telah jatuhi hukuman mati oleh pengadilan militer di mulai dari biaya ilegal mengumpulkan kekayaan ke genosida, dan dilakukan di Târgovişte, Rumania. 

8. Marilyn Monroe
Monroe ditemukan mati oleh di tangga rumahnya pada 5 Agustus 1962. Matinya dinyatakan dari overdosis pil tidur. Selain itu, beberapa teori konspirasi melibatkan John dan Robert Kennedy. Resmi penyebab matinya adalah "kemungkinan bunuh diri".

7. John F Kennedy
Presiden Kennedy tertembak di Dallas, Texas di 12:30 Central Standard Time pada 22 November 1963, pada saat melakukan kampanye, dan dia dinyatakan tewas pada pukul 01:00. semua tuduhan mengarah ke Lee Harvey Oswald, yang ditangkap di theater sekitar 80 menit setelah pembunuhan.  

6. Pol pot
Pemimpin Khmer Merah ini menjadi pendengar setia VOA (Voices of America) dimasa persembunyiannya..
Pada malam di tanggal 15 April 1998, dia sedang asyik mendengarkan berita dari VOA tsb, tdk lama kemudian dia mendengar salah satu reporter VOA memberikan berita, bahwa partai Khmer Merahnya akan menyerahkan Pol Pot pada pemerintahan AS.. Mendengat berita itu Pol pot langsung mendapat serangan jantung dan langsung tewas seketika.. 

 5. Che Guevara
Setelah ditangkap di Bolivia, dia dibawa kegedung sekolah bobrok di desa LA Higuera untuk ditahan semalam. Keesokan sorenya dia akan dieksekusi oleh tentara Bolivia, melalui undian (untuk memilih siapa yg mengeksekusi Che), akhirnya undian jatuh ke tangan Sersannya yaitu Mario Terán 

4. Mao Tse-Tung
Mao Tse-Tung Cina adalah pemimpin Partai Komunis Cina dalam perang sipil melawan Partai Kuomintang, dia memenangkannya dan dia menjadi Pemimpin RRC dari tahun 1949 sampai kematiannya pada th 1976.
Di bawah kepemimpinannya, Cina yang menderita Revolusi Kebudayaan. Untuk kekuasaannya RRC menjadi hancur di segala bidang dan puncaknya adalah perang saudara. Ada perkiraan hingga 500.000 kematian sebagai akibat dari kebijakan Mao. Dan Mao pun tewas karena sakit 

3. Vladimir Lenin
Lenin meninggal pada 21 Januari 1924, diusia 53. Rumorsnya bahwa Lenin terjangkit sipilis. Pernyataan resmi penyebab kematian Lenin adalah arteriosclerosis otak, atau stroke. Tetapi dari 27 dokter yang merawat dia, hanya delapan menandatangani kesimpulan bahwa mayat tewas krn itu. Oleh karena itu, beberapa teori terus berkembang mengenai kematiannya. 

2. Benito Mussolini
Giulino di Mezzegra, pada tgl 28 April, Benito Musolini tewas bersama pacar dan pengikutnya di tembak oleh musuh politiknya sendiri. dalam keadaan tergantung. 

1. Saddam Husein
Saddam digantung pada hari pertama Eidul-Adha, 30 Desember 2006, Eksekusi dilakukan di "Camp Justice," disaksikan oleh seorang tentara Irak di pangkalan Kadhimiya, sebuah lingkungan di timur laut Baghdad. Pelaksanaan direkam pada ponsel, menampilkan Saddam yang sedang menunggu sampai dieksekusi. Video pun bereda ke media elektronik, menjadi subyek kontroversi global.    
Sumber : 

TuneUp Utilities 2013 (Free Full)

TuneUp Utilities 2013 Size : 26mb
For Windows 8,Windows 7,Xp,2000,98 TuneUp Utilities can make your Windows operating system faster, more comfortable and more secure with just a few mouse clicks. And all operations performed on the operating system are completely safe, because all changes are monitored by TuneUp Rescue Center and can be undone at any time. All TuneUp Utilities modules can be accessed through a common interface that is divided into six categories. The software helps both beginners and experts to make Windows meet their needs in a way that is better, easier and safer. All important system options are explained in an easy way and can be turned on or off at the click of your mouse. TuneUp Utilities will then make the necessary changes in the registry or boot files automatically. We place a high value on system stability, so that Windows won't stop working reliably. And most changes that you make can be undone in TuneUp Rescue Center, easily and safely. The TuneUp Turbo Mode provides an immediate performance boost whenever you need it. When you use your computer in the TuneUp Turbo Mode, an analysis is performed to see which tasks, programs and functions are currently running in the background that are not strictly necessary. These programs are stopped or slowed down, allowing the additional processing power gained to be used exclusively by the programs you are actually running. Maintain System Regular maintenance increases the stability of your PC, but is complicated and takes a lot of time when doing it manually. Spare yourself the stress! With TuneUp Utilities, you can clean up your computer and delete unnecessary files with only one click. Neat! , 1-Click Maintenance and Automatic Maintenance , Optimize system startup and shutdown , Defragment hard disks , Remove broken shortcuts , Defragment registry , Clean registry
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Pasword : putrasunda 

Hard Drive Inspector v4.12.155 (free Full)

Hard Drive Inspector v4.12.155 
 6.4 MB | Windows 2000/XP/2003 Server / Vista / Windows 7/8

Monitor the health of your hard drives

Based on the technology SMART, Hard Drive Inspector is an analysis tool that will monitor your disk drives for possible faults, clear indications that the time has come to renew your hard drive.
If you do not want to have the unpleasant surprise of losing a drive from one day to another, seeing that access to some clusters has become impossible, or just want to prevent these incidents, Hard Drive Inspector test.
Effective, lets you control the health of your hard drives. There are many options that you can customize to your level of concern and needs. As for the interface, it is pleasant and functional.
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WinHex v17.0 ( Free Full)

 WinHex v17.0
Spanish Incl. | Medicina Incl. | 3.44 MB | Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/2008/7, 32 Bit/64 Bit | NFO
Initial screens Create stunning CD and DVD easily
Visual development tool to create CD and DVD applications with autoplay (autorun) from Windows. It is the easiest and fastest way to create autoplay menus for any CD or DVD you have.
Used by such prestigious companies as 3Com, Intel, Lucent and Motorola, is a much better way to create spectacular display screens and effective than other media development tools as Director.
For creations can use almost any medium, from Flash to MPEG files, including fields, boxes, objects WMP and IE. Supports "undo" unlimited, lashing the toolbox and predefined styles and projects, anti-aliasing, transparent windows and many other options, sufficient grounds to turn Autoplay Menu Studio in much more than just a program.
Recent Changes

NEW! Faster & More Powerful Lua 5.1 Scripting Engine
AutoPlay Media Studio 8's scripting engine is now faster, more powerful and much more extensible. The Lua 5.1 system features a new module system, incremental garbage collection, new mechanism for varargs, new syntax for long strings and comments, mod and length operators, metatables for all types and a fully reentrant parser. Support for Lua 5.1 Code Modules
With the new scripting engine upgrade comes modules Compatibility with Lua 5.1. You now have access to a wealth of free Lua code you can download and use in your AutoPlay Media Studio 8 projects. In most cases you simply copy the module files into your project and "require" them in your script. Just some of the useful modules out there include Bit Operation, Date, Canvas Draw, Imaging Tool, GD, Crypto, Colors, Speech, Alien, Social (Twitter), CURL, Regular Expression Parsing and so much more. It's a whole treasure chest of addons and tools just waiting for you!
Blu-ray Disc Support
Do your projects Contain huge database and video files? AutoPlay Media Studio 8 now includes full support for burning Directly to Blu-Ray media (BD-R, BD-RE). The integrated Bluray disc burning Allows you to publish your project Directly to single layer and dual-layer BD-R and BD-RE media, supporting 25 GB, 50 GB and even 100 GB formats.
Application Styles / Skinning
AutoPlay Media Studio 8 Gives you the freedom to create applications that look exactly the way you want. Perhaps you prefer to take That your programs on the same appearance as the operating system (eg Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 Aero)? Or do you want them to be customized with completely custom Entirely drawn background images, buttons and window shapes? Or Perhaps you'd like to simply make use of the Hundreds of ready-to-use msstyles themes (like OS / X Tiger and Panther) That you can download on the Internet? In any case, AutoPlay Media Studio makes it possible - and easy!
Integrated Database Access
It's Never Been Easier to write database applications using AutoPlay Media Studio! Easily connect to a variety of popular local and remote / Internet database systems Including MySQL, SQLite3, ODBC, Oracle and PostgreSQL. Execute any SQL statements you desire like CREATE, INSERT and more - even Easily retrieve data results using a row-by-row cursor system. Features Full Integration with our fill-in-the-blanks style Action Wizard, plus intelligent code completion.
PDF Object
AutoPlay Media Studio now features integrated support for displaying PDF documents right in your application. This highly Requested feature Also Gives You full control over the display and formatting. You can show / hide toolbars, scrollbars and borders. Layout options include "Single Page", "One Column", "Two Columns" and "User Preference". View options include "Fit Page", "Fit Page Width", "Fit Page Height" and "Actual Size".
PDF Actions
Take control of the PDF object with 18 easy-to-use actions. Fully integrated into the fill-in-the-blanks Action Wizard, You'll Be Able to Easily create dynamic applications to Work with PDF files. Actions are provided to Print, Load, Navigate, Zoom, Resize, Hide and much more.
QuickTime Object
Thanks to the new Apple QuickTime object, Your AutoPlay Media Studio applications are now Compatible with over 80 video, audio and image formats. Video formats include. MOV,. DV,. M4V,. MP4 and dozens more - Including the amazing h.264 format. Audio formats include. AAC,. IDA. M4A,. MP3, etc.. Visual formatting options let you lock an aspect ratio, resize the half to fit the object dimensions or center it Within the object area. Border styles include 3D, plain or none.
QuickTime Actions
The Quicktime object by itself is great - but a Quicktime object plus 22 built-in high-level actions is just plain awesome! Brought together, your AutoPlay Media Studio actions have exceptional Control over the QuickTime object. Using simple script commands you can Play, Seek, Set Volume, Load, Mute, View Full Screen, Hide, Show and much more. Your only limit is your imagination.
Object xButton
If you're trying to create an application That blends in beautifully With The operating system, the new xButton object is just what the doctor ordered. However, that's just the beginning! The new xButton object supports far more customization than was possible with previously. Now you can modernize your applications by adding "icon" images to your buttons, plus you can "markup" the text However you desire! This object lets you check the relative placement of button text and button images; choose Between Normal and toggle styles; adjust fonts and colors, and even markup you text using dozens of XAML tags - Including hyperlinks right on your buttons! By default, the styles itself xButton According To whatever operating system it is being run on. If your application is running on Vista, the button looks like a standard Vista button. If you're running it on Windows 7, it looks like Windows 7. However, you can override Easily choose from This and many included styles like Flat, Office 2000, Office XP or many different Office 2007 styles. Or Hundreds of msstyles themes ... The options are endless.
Checkbox List Object
Checkbox lists are a long awaited Addition to AutoPlay Media Studio! We've integrated this feature into the existing Listbox object - you just need to turn it on. Once you do, you can Easily present lists of items with checkboxes Corresponding. Actions are included to get and in September the checkbox state for any listbox item with Ease. You'll find dozens of great uses for this one!
Rolling Code Data Security
AutoPlay Media Studio 8 adds another layer of protection to your applications and scripts. A unique random encryption code is now generated every time you build your project, making "hacking" of your applications much more difficult. As we all know, anyone can break any Determined enough protection system Given enough time and resources, but the use of rolling codes renders generic attacks ineffective. You can now sleep a little easier!
Multiple Timers
You're no longer limited to just one timer event per page! You can now set as many "named" timers as you want. Having multiple timers running really opens up the creative possibilities for animations, games, status updates and dozens of other applications.
Service Actions
Easily control Windows Services using the seven new actions included in AutoPlay Media Studio 8. Everything you need is included, Such as Create, Start, Stop, Pause, Delete, Query and Continue.
Actions FTPWI
AutoPlay Media Studio 8 includes a set of built-in FTP actions, enabling your application to Easily download files from the Internet over FTP servers. These new FTP actions make use of the WinINet API to Ensure Compliance With The RFC 959 File Transfer Protocol specifications. Actions include FTPWI.Download, FTPWI.GetErrorInfo and FTPWI.GetFileSize.
System Restore Actions
This trio of system restore actions are extremely powerful and essential for any application That system might want to make changes or install software in a failsafe manner. By creating a system restore point before making changes using System.SetRestorePoint to the computer, the user can rollback Easily Those changes using the operating system's "restore" feature (found on Windows Vista and Windows 7). Actions include System.IsSystemRestoreAvailable, System.SetRestorePoint and System.RemoveRestorePoint.
Dialog.ComboBox Action
Here's an action that'll find a lot of use! The Dialog.ComboBox action is used to pop up a dialog box presenting the user with a drop-down list of items They Can choose from. You simply pass in a list of items to select from, choose if you'd like them sorted or not and whether or not to restrict the user to just the items in the list, or allow them to type text in Their Own response. It's a fast and compact way to get user input, while offering suggestions to them at the same time!
Balloon Tooltips and Extended Tooltips
In Addition to the standard popup tooltips you're used to from previous versions, AutoPlay Media Studio 8 now lets you display Balloon tooltips! It's an extremely attractive option for presenting context sensitive help Within your application. It's much more useful than Also the old style tooltips, as you can use multiple lines of text to present your instructions. In fact, multi-line tooltips were so useful, we added the feature to Also the standard looking popup as "extended" tooltips.
Modernized Visual Workspace
AutoPlay Media Studio has always looked pretty slick, but That Was not good enough. The entire project workspace has been overhauled. Selection boxes, toolbars, context menus - everything has been redone using a consistent color palette, light source and 3D perspective. You spend a lot of time working on your projects. Should Your tools serve to Increase Your Productivity, Rather than distract you. With AutoPlay Media Studio 8, you'll find everything is more logically arranged and attractively presented - so you can get more done.
Plugin SDK v2
Action Plugins and Object Plugins are one of the best features of AutoPlay Media Studio. They allow 3rd party software developers to extend and expand the product in an extremely integrated and seamless fashion. By simply dropping a plugin into your project, you can Easily save yourself hours of work and add significant functionality to your application. The great news Is that with AutoPlay Media Studio 8, plugin developers can now fully leverage the advantages of the Lua 5.1 language. The Plugin SDK v2 is available for free download on the website.
See more changes ..
Computer forensics software and file recovery Files Hex Editor & Disk
WinHex is a hexadecimal editor that completely lets you see data that you conceal other programs or can not see.
It has a disk editor and directory browser for FAT12, FAT16, FAT32, NTFS, editor of RAM, a way to edit the virtual memory of other processes, Data interpreter, knowing 20 different types of data, editing data structures using templates ...
Lets also concatenate, split, join, analyze and compare files, search and replace functions especially flexible scheduling, 128-bit encryption, checksums, CRC32, digests (MD5, SHA-1, ...), irreversible deletion of sensitive data / private , conversion formats (Binary, Hex ASCII, Intel Hex and Motorola S), supports ANSI character set ASCII, IBM ASCII, EBCDIC.
Undoubtedly, any data you want to see it resisitirá.
Editor FAT12/16/32 disc, exFAT, NTFS, ext2/3/4, Next3 ®, CDFS, UDF
Built-in interpretation of RAID systems and dynamic disks
Various data recovery techniques
Editor of RAM, a way to edit RAM and virtual memory of other processes
Data Interpreter, knowing 20 data types other than
Editing data structures using templates
Concatenate, split, join, analyze and compare files
Search and replace functions particularly flexible
Disk cloning, with a specialist license also on DOS
Images and disk backups (optionally compressed or split into 650 MB archives)
Programming Interface (API) and scripting
256-bit AES encryption, checksums, CRC32, digests (MD5, SHA-1, ...)
Irreversible erasure of confidential data / private
Import all clipboard formats
Conversion Formats: Binary, Hex ASCII, Intel Hex and Motorola S
Instantaneous jump between windows
Comprehensive documentation.
And more
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